No Emotion, No Pain

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3rd person P.O.V
Everyone tries to be emotionless. But that doesn't mean it always works or is the right thing to do.

Take Pansy for example. As a Slytherin, she's always felt the need to live up to the stereotype: heartless and cold. But everyone experiences emotions.

Then there's Draco who ignored his feelings so well it led him to become amazing at occlumency. But there was a darker side to it. Emotions make you human, and Draco had to make the decision to be human or watch his parents die. That isn't even the worst part. He was forced to make this decision as a child.

Finally there's Harry. He didn't try to shut emotions down completely, but only listened to whichever one he wanted. He let anger override sadness and grudges override the truth. But his intentions were pure and more often than not, he had strong influences. Negative or positive.

Draco's intentions were pure too. You see, many people (like Harry) think Slytherins are against everyone. Just because determination is a key trait, it means that they must achieve things single-handedly. But little did he know, he couldn't be further from the truth.

Slytherins protect their own. They use determination to help each other, to do things people didn't think possible. Only a handful decided to use that ability for the worse. But we can't look at those few evil ones and decide they represent the rest of them. Because they don't.

Draco was almost slightly lucky. His childhood was by far tragic, but the examples of love he was shown went a long way. His mother did a lot for him through love and he was going to follow her example.
Back to the reason Pansy was cutting off emotion in the first place. It started when Snape was headmaster and the golden trio were horcrux hunting. The Carrows were in charge of Discipline but that had a whole different meaning to death eaters.
October 17th 1997- Extract from Draco's leather notebook:

It's 1:05am. We had discipline with the Carrows this afternoon, our lesson was with all the 7th years and first years. We had to practise the Cruciatus curse on the first years or there'd be "consequences".

First up was the Gryffindors, starting with Neville Longbottom. He went up to his assigned first year and refused with out a second of deliberation. The Carrows took turns practicing the curse on him instead, using every painful curse without killing him to make him experience pain worse than I could imagine.

Many Gryffindors used his example and soon the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were done too. But not everyone was brave and before the Slytherins had started, all the first years were on the floor, some crying in pain, some had fainted and some lay lifeless.

Crabbe and Goyle were first and cast the curse along with a few others. But then it was Blaise and his face showed no sign of emotion at all. But what choice did he have? He cast the curse.

Then it was Pansy's turn. Her eyes were already filling up with tears and her hands were shaking. None of the Slytherins could refuse like the others. Our punishment was death. And so Pansy cast it but couldn't hold for more than 3 seconds.

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