Daydreams and Mental Rants

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Draco's P.O.V
Potter was a strange person when he wanted to be. I had no idea why he was acting the way he was, but my best bet was that he read the letter before me. I mean if you're going to do something like that at least don't make it that obvious.

Even Weasley would understand what he was doing, and that's saying something.

But I for once, I couldn't care less about Potter. For once, I felt happier than I had in a long time. I didn't know Andromeda that well, my mother didn't speak about her apart from the fact that she'd been disowned long ago for marrying a muggleborn. I was amazed at how she seemed so kind when my family were nothing but terrible. Even through a letter I could tell how polite and kind she was.

There was also the fact I was visiting her with Harry of all people. I had no idea why she wanted him there, but I suspected it included Professor Lupin in some way. Potter had certainly read my letter but he seemed like he wanted me to say yes. Maybe it was only because he didn't want to be alone, but I hoped it was because he genuinely enjoyed my company. After all, there weren't many people who did.

I attempted to distract myself by deciding what to wear for the visit. I certainly wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to come across as a little bit over the top. I eventually settled for an outfit that I thought worked rather well, one that would definately contrast with whatever Potter decided to throw on.

I would never understand how he was completely fine and willing to step out in public looking like a train wreck. I'd go out in Pansy's clothes before wearing a t-shirt with holes in it that was 4 sizes too big.

The icing on the cake? He still owned all of those 'clothes'. He's the richest guy ever and yet he hasn't had a complete wardrobe update? When and if he lets me, I would be happy to do it for him. At least that way my eyes wouldn't have to undergo further torture.

I was in one of them moods where you could ask or tell me anything and I'd start ranting. It happened every now and again, Pansy had a special name for it too. She called it my 'Drama Queen mode'. Not the most flattering name ever but I had no way of convincing her not to call me that infront of everyone.

I remember once in Potions when I was in a mood similar to this. Pansy actually had given up talking to me altogether and resorted to asking our teacher if he could 'pass a message to the Drama Queen' when the class was silent. That was fine till our Professor asked who that was and she said 'Draco of course'.

She embarrasses me for the fun of it, more often than not with the help of Blaise. They make a great team because they're the 2 people who know exactly how easy it is to get under my skin. The person who does that (not as well as Blaise and Pansy), but still really easily, is Potter. Needless to say, he's been doing it without thinking since the first day of Hogwarts- but sometimes he definately does it purposely.

Becoming friends with him was one if the most unexpected things ever, since that time in first year which I only recently gotten over. Of course the only reason I got over him refusing my friendship was because he accepted it near the beginning of this year. There are some things you can't get though without becoming somewhat friends, one of those things is saving each other's lives.

But after that game of truth or dare I'm not even sure what we are. I mean I didn't even know Potter was bi, but by the look on everyone's faces, I don't think anyone knew that. I don't even think Potter knew that. After I heard his last thought about kissing included me, I'm guilty of thinking too. It's strange but when I look at Potter, I can't help but imagine him coming to me and wrapping his arms around me and- I'm going to stop right there.

I'd been staring at my clothes for 10 minutes, mentally ranting and thinking about Potter in a rather strange way. Maybe I needed something strong from Madam Pomfrey's medicine store. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts and didn't feel like wasting another 10 minutes of my free period. Instead I thought about actually socialising with my friends.

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