Chapter Twenty Three : Father and Son .

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Hope you all enjoy this fantistic chapter i wrote ! + Im sorry that most of these chapters are in normal pov , Its just a little easy to write that way .


Normal POV

" Well .... How did you break the window son ? " Igneel asked " I-I through a bottle at the window " Natsu said while trying not to stutter . " You know both you and your mother have something in common ?" Igneel said while signing his paper work . " What's that ? " Natsu asked ,

" Your the only two people i can tell when they are lying" Igneel said while smiling while Natsu just stood their shocked . " It dosent matter " Igneel said while shaking off the subject ,

" Sorry son but their isn't a spare room for Lucy " Igneel said while looking at his son " Oh ... " Natsu said . " Why don't you move her in with Queen Sawako , since Princess Lisanna has suddenly disappeared . " Igneel asked . " Sure " Natsu replied while walking out the room .

Natsu then again walked down the long dark hallway , He then passed the window again but this time he stood at the window gazing outside . The sky was dark blue and the moon was pure white , so the light from the moon shone in the sky making it brighter , Natsu then started to walk down the hallway , He then reached Lucy's room .

*Knock Knock*

Natsu used his fist to knock on the door , Lucy then opened the door . " Get your stuff Luce your moving in next door with me since their isn't a spare room for you " Natsu said

Natsu's POV

I know my father said that she could go into a room with Queen Sawako , but i didn't think that was really safe . So i thought she might want to sleep in my room . Since my room is bigger and has more room .

Normal POV

Lucy had blushed " Umm .. Is their any other room that is free ? " Lucy asked " Nope .. sorry " Natsu said back . Lucy then quickly grabbed her bags and followed Natsu next door into his room .

But when Lucy walked in she saw a double bed in the middle of the room , she then suddenly blushed . " Don't worry i will sleep on the floor you can sleep on the bed " Natsu said while pulling out a few covers from a draw under his bed .

Natsu then started to lay a blanket on the floor and one pillow . While Lucy lay her bag on the bed " Umm Natsu .. could i use your bathroom , so i can get dressed ? " Lucy asked , Natsu . " Sure" Natsu replied . Lucy then rummaged though but then she gasped . " What is it ?! " Natsu asked

" Well I kind of forgot my pj's " Lucy said while blushed bright red . Natsu then walked over to his closet and pulled out one of his smallest tee-shirts he had then passed it to Lucy and she took it and said " T-thanks " Lucy said while taking the tee-shirt and quickly walking towards the bathroom .

Natsu then started to tiedy his bed and Lucy's bed . When suddenly the bathroom door opened and Lucy ran out into the bed-room and quickly tucked her-self into bed blushing . " Good Night Luce " Natsu said while switching the lights off . " Night Natsu ... " Lucy replied while dozing off to sleep....


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter . Remember to vote and comment . 

Thanks Minna


TrueLove ( NaLu )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora