Chapter 1

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I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

Chapter 1

Harry's Pov

It's been five miserable days since I saw my Godfather, Sirius Black, die in front of me. It's currently a Friday afternoon, letting all students have a couple of days off of attending classes. I would normally love that, but right now, I don't. I'd rather be doing school work. Definitely.

I've already finished all of my homework that is due on Monday and over the week. I may have done it quickly, but I'll check it later, hopefully when my mind is off the one thing I don't want to think about. I'm just trying to keep myself busy. Every time I close my eyes, I see Sirius falling into that veil, and dying. There one second and gone the next.

I feel a tear run down my face.

I hurriedly wipe it away, not wanting anyone around to see. I need to stay strong. For everyone. No matter what. No matter what happens. I need to stay strong. I need to. I have to.

Everyone expects me to be strong at every moment.

The only thing is that they don't see me slowly breaking down each day. I now put on an act to everyone, even my friends. Though, I did keep things from them before. I just want to be around some people who would allow me to be myself. People to help me through things.

But, I'm apparently the 'Golden Boy'. Or the 'Chosen One'. The 'Boy-Who-Lives'. And those are just a few of the ridiculous names I have gained over the years. The names others see me as. I am apparently the boy who can do anything without breaking down.

Since Sirius died, I've been slightly distancing myself from everyone - well, more than I normally do.

No one has noticed yet. They probably just think that I'm thinking of ways to find Noseless – sorry Voldemort – or as he was previously called, Tom Riddle. I actually idly wonder what happened to his nose, but I don't really care. That is what he gets for what he has been doing to innocent people.

Right now, I'm walking to the Black Lake, wanting to clear my head.

I'm glad that no one is around. I just want to be by myself for a little. I just want to see if I can be myself for a little. After five minutes of walking, I get to the Black Lake.

I sit against a tree, and watch the water slowly ripple by.

20 minutes later...

I hear a faint splash and four shrieks. Two were males and two are females. Uhh, I don't think this is a normal occurrence. At all.

I leap up and carefully go over to where I heard the noises.

I get closer, to just see four adults drying themselves off with a spell, their backs to me. They wear old fashioned clothes, which confuses me. Clothes that are from the past. Just why are they wearing clothes so outdated?

I get my wand out and point it at them; this is because I have no idea who they are.

"Who are you?" I question, staring at them cautiously.

They spin around, shocked at being seen I believe.

I look at the first female. She is wearing a light blue dress that goes down to her ankles. She has pale skin. She has dark blue eyes that hold intelligence. She has black hair that goes down to her lower back, with a diadem sitting on her head. I see a bow and a quiver of arrows strapped to her back.

The other female is wearing a yellow dress that also goes down to her ankles. She has tanned skin. She has light blue eyes that practically give out an aura of kindness. She has dark reddish-brown hair that goes to her mid-back. I see that she has a sheath, one that has a long knife in.

I then look at the first male. He is wearing red robes with gold chainmail. He has a pale peach skin colour. He has green eyes that show that he is a brave person. He has hair that is a blondy-brown and a shaved beard. He has a sword at his waist, which seems quite familiar.

The other male has dark green robes. He has pale skin. He has emerald green like eyes that look quite cunning. He has slick black hair that is short with a trimmed beard. He has a locket around his neck and a sword at his waist.

The four of them are calculating my every movement.

I'm just staring at them in shock. I know my jaw is hanging open, so I close it. I lower my wand still staring at them in shock.

How are they here? How are they alive. Just... how? How? How? How?

They are meant to be dead!

Like, seriously dead. They have been dead for around one thousand years. Dead for that amount of time. Or, they should be at least.  

They look younger than the pictures around the school; well, any that I have seen. Staring at them, a sentence keeps going around in my mind. A single thought. 


Author's note:

So, this is the first chapter of this book. If you have already figured out what it's about, just know that I create plot twists for all my stories. So, I am aware that there are some similar on Wattpad - then there are also all the other reading platforms that have who knows how many - but be rest assured, this will be different from them. I've been thinking and working on this book for over a year, getting ideas on how to make it unique. So, I'm hoping you will all enjoy this book and the chapters to come.

Along with this book, I'll have posted/will be posting three other chapters on books. So, I will be releasing a chapter for one of four books at least once a week. The other chapters I am updating books for are: Not Everything Is As It Seems, The Universal Legend and The Invisible Assassin. All three of these are Percy Jackson fanfictions.

I also just realised that I got the days I will be posting these chapters wrong. I was thinking it should be tomorrow I updated these books, but it was actually yesterday. So, I'm posting them today. Sorry for any confusion, I will release these chapters as quickly as I can.

21 Nov 2020

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