Chapter 5

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I don't own Harry Potter or any other characters you will recognise 

Chapter 5

Harry's POV

I wake up from sleeping, feeling more rested then I have for most of the week. I look at the clock. six thirty AM. I have slept for about eight hours. The last few days, the longest I've slept is just under four hours, because I either can't sleep or because of nightmares. I'm glad I slept longer and without the potion the Headmaster gave me.

Well, I did have a few bad dreams last night, but I'm glad I didn't wake up.

I sit up and grab my wand. I mutter the light spell. The tip of my wand gains a bright glow, which I dull. Quietly, so that I don't wake my roommates up, I get a blank book out of my trunk and a self-drying ink quill. I then sit back on my bed, cross-legged, and close the blinds that I opened.

I open the book and start writing. I'm writing places in the school that might be a place the Founders hide their room. I'm doing this, so that if the Founders are still asleep, I don't wake them up, although they are probably up considering what time they are from. I'm listing so that we have some places that we can check or cross off the list.

List so far: Great Hall, Chamber of Secrets, Common Rooms, Library, Dungeons and a few more.

When I stop thinking and look at the time, I see that it's seven am. I get off the bed, opening the curtains, and put my quill and book in my bag that has been laying next to my bedside table. I grab the things that I need today, including my invisibility cloak and map.

When that's done, I go out of the dorm and make my way down to the great Hall. On weekends, you can get breakfast at 6.30am for those who are doing things. Once there, I grab some toast and fruit, which I quickly eat. Once I finish, I go into a corridor that is normally empty. Once I check that no one will see me, I pull my cloak out and put it on. I then make my way towards the Room of Requirement.

When I get there, using my map and making sure that no one is there, I knock on the door.

After knocking, I look around the hallway before entering. I instantly notice that they are tense, and I quickly take the cloak off after shutting the door. They calm down instantly when seeing that it's me.

"We need a way to identify each other." Rowena says.

We start thinking, but I'm the first to suggest something.

"Maybe a type of knock for when someone enters a room, like this one we are in."

"What type of knock?" Helga asks.

"A rhythmic one." I suggest. "Maybe also a password for when we are out of the room and don't know who's around?"

"They're both good ideas." Godric says.

"Yes, but let's think about that a bit later. Do you have your Activities Table? We want to look over it to see the time available for us all to work together." Salazar interjects. "In case it's changed over time, it's the parchment that has all your classes on."

"Yes, I have it." I say getting it out of my bag and handing it to them.

They look it over, and their eyebrows all raise slightly. Salazar hands it back to me.

"In our time, there's a lot more classes. All classes, besides potions, Alchemy and other classes that take a while to do, only have an hour for each subject. Those that aren't categorised in that group, normally go for two hours." Rowena explains and I nod in understanding, before she begins to explain how the timetable in their time works. "There is a duelling class for students in years three to seven, between six and seven am, although they can choose to attend or not. Breakfast goes from 7am till 8am. Classes start up until lunch, 1pm-2pm, but they can grab a snack to eat on their way to each of their classes. Classes start up again and when they finish, it's study time, 4pm-5.30pm. They then get half an hour to do what they want, before dinner starts, 6pm-7pm. Then between 7pm and 9pm, our students get do what they want. We have our astronomy classes on the weekends, so that our students aren't tired during the week."

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