Chapter 11

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I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does

I hope I got all the spelling and grammar errors, if not, feel free to point them out.

Chapter 11

Harry's POV

After giving Hermione the book about House Elves, speaking more about the Promotion of Creature Rights (P.C.R.) and eating breakfast, I quickly make my way to where the Founders are. In the Dungeons near the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. They told me they would be here before I left them yesterday. On the way down, I almost run into some Slytherins who are laughing at something one of their members said. I managed to completely avoid them noticing me and make it to the entrance to the Chapter of Secrets down here.

Breathing in and out slightly, I hiss the password to open the door and go through, closing it behind me.

I am quick to walk through the passageway, following it as it weaves and bends, going deeper underground. Mostly because the Chamber of Secrets is deep underneath the school. Probably one of the reasons as to why none found it before. The most likely reason, besides how it needs a Parseltongue to open the chamber. Which makes a thought enter my head; just how common is Parseltongue?

It must be more common than it seems, right? This is just Brittan I live in, and some of the surrounding areas. Because isn't Hogwarts in Scotland? Or have I just confused something? Parseltongue must be more common than it is made out to be.

For just a few reasons I can think of at this time.

A lot of magical families marry others that are magical. And there aren't very many magicals in fact, compared to the Mundanes at least. And most of them would prefer to not be married or in a relationship with a Mundane, or Mundane born. Which is simply... idiotic. Though, I guess I can understand where they are coming from, partly. It still doesn't make much sense though.

And I've come up with a theory. A theory other people have had but never really properly researched. And I know I can research it. And if I can figure out how to prove it, it will change the way the entire magical world – or at least the witches and wizards – think. It's an exciting idea, and I think if I were to let Hermione know of it, she will be into helping me with it. Though, I will search around for the information needed first.

Hissing at the next door to open, I enter the actual chamber and go over to where I believe the Founders, plus Lilith, will be.

"Harry." Helga smiles, seeing me first due to being closest to the entrance I entered from.

"Hi Helga." I smile gently, finding myself relaxing in her presence. "Any luck finding the next clue yet?"

"No." She sighs as I fall in step with her, as she comes out of a secret room she briefly entered to keep looking. "You have a question. I can see it. What is it? And you don't need to hold any questions back from us, we will answer the best we can."

I'm startled at this.

"Mage-Sight, is it a thing in your time? I've heard rumours about it but have never actually heard of one in our time being able to do it. Well, besides Nickolas Flamel and his wife. But they are over six hundred years old now; they must have learnt it when they were younger."

"Six hundred years?" Helga asks, pausing in her steps.

"No, it's not the Forbidden Magic. At least, I don't think so. Nickolas Flamel is the creator of the Philosopher's Stone. It's the thing that was being guarded here in my first year. What I do know, is that it turns things into gold and creates an elixir that allows the drinker to live longer. Most suspect that it is immortality, but I'm not sure."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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