Chapter 8

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I don't own Harry Potter, j.K. Rowling does

Chapter 8

Harry's POV

When we land on the other side of the chamber, I get off smiling slightly. We walk back down the passageway we came in from.

"You're a natural at riding." Godric says excitedly, after he has changed back out of his animal form.

"I think that it's like that for all activities that include flying. It was like that the first time on a broom." I reply with a slight shrug, still not completely used to people giving me compliments.

"I'm going to teach you many types of tricks that you can do in the air, by broom or species." Godric continues in excitement, seeming to not be stopping any time soon.

"Godric, talk about this later. Turn invisible now." Salazar says with an eye roll, though acts as if this is an everyday occurrence – which it very well may be from what I have seen since I met them.

"Righty." Godric replies with a spring in his step while he waves his wand and turns invisible.

I give my cloak to Salazar to use while he also makes himself invisible. With that, and me checking the map, we walk out of the hall. I nod to the twins and continue walking to the RoR.

When we get there, I rewrite some more of my homework while the Founders jot down more prank ideas that I can choose from later.

Time skip

I've finished some more of my homework, and I have looked over and chosen some more prank ideas. I also, a bit unsure, asked them if they could teach me the invisibility spell.

Rowena easily teaches me the spell spelt in Latin, 'conversus ad invisibilia' which translates to 'turn to invisible', well, it is a rough translation.

When it's about fifteen minutes till 5pm, I go and walk to the Gryffindor common room, while having the lists Hermione gave me and the one of pranks in my bag, but both in different sections.

When I get there, I smile and hand Hermione her lists back.

"Did they help?" She asks.

"Yes." I reply. "Can we talk in a quieter spot? Is Neville and Ginny here? They would want to know as well."

Hermione and Ron both nod and we look around for the two of them. We spot them quickly enough. We agreed that Ron will go to a section of the room that isn't too occupied and wait for us, while Hermione and myself will get the other two.

I walk towards Neville and Hermione goes to Ginny.

"Hi Neville." I greet.

"Hi Harry." Neville says, not as shy as he used to be when talking to people, which is a great improvement.

"Can I talk to you with some others, the others we fought with not very long ago?"


We walk over to where the other three are and sit on chairs.

"Do any of you know a spell that stops people from listening into conversations?" I ask, not exactly wanting to show that I know not only one but several.

Hermione nods and casts the spell.

"What is it Harry?" Ginny asks.

"I've been looking for secret passages and rooms."

"You found something." Hermione calculates, studding me.

"Yes. I found it when the commotion was going on earlier. Do you know who that was?"

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