Chapter 2 - Trust Me, I'm The Doctor!

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Chapter 2 - Trust Me, I'm The Doctor!

Madison's P.O.V

"Ow!" I said, opening my eyes.

I was led down on a cold, metal floor with one of my arms chained to the wall. I tried to get up but I was quickly pulled back down by the chains. I looked around to see I was in a room on my own. Yet I couldn't quite remember how I got here. Then it hit me.

The Cybermen.

I had landed in Paris, at the top of the Effiel tower. The white teleport light shone around the room and as I stumbled around from the journey, I looked up to see I was surrounded by Cybermen.

At first they didn't notice me and I tried to get out before they did, but my teleport started to beep letting me know other people were near by. They all turned my way and started stomping towards me, shouting 'DELETE'. I quickly pulled out one of the metal tube and threw it at the advancing group. But one Cyberman came up behind me and hit me hard over the head, knocking me out.

Next thing I knew I was here.

I started shouting, in hope of somebody letting me out. Soon a hatch at the door opened and two heartless, black eyes stared into me.

"WHAT IS IT YOU REQUEST?" The robotic voice asked me.

"I request, you let me go!" I yelled back, shaking the chains I was attached too.

The metal alien closed the hatch and opened the door. It stomped it's feet indoors and stood in front of me. It lent forward so it was at eye contact with me.


"No! Really? Wow, that's new information!" I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"YOU ARE A THREAT TO THE CYBERMEN! YOU WILL BE DELETED!" It said, ignoring my earlier comment.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Just wait! If your going to kill me, at least tell me your plan first right?" I asked, even though I knew that line never worked!

"REQUESTED DENIED! DELETE! DELETE!" It said, standing up straight and holding it's built in gun to my face.

I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the pain and the new body I would have to regenerate into. But nothing happened. I opened one eye to see the Cyberman just stood there but with a metal pole through it's chest. It suddenly fell backwards and hit the ground with a thud.

I opened both my eyes and look to the doors to see three figures stood there. The man stood to the front of the group walked forward and held a long metal tube to the chains around my arm. He pressed a button and a green light lit up at the end, as it made a whirring noise. The clasps around my arm flew open and the man put his hand out to me. Hesitantly, I took his hand he helped me up.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" I asked, taking my hand back.

He quickly fixed his bow tie before answering me.

"Trust me, I'm the Doctor!"

The Doctor's P.O.V

"The Doctor?" The girl we just found, asked us.

"Yes, that's me hello!" I said, waving at her.

"Well, thanks 'Doctor'. But if you'll excuse me I have a planet to save!" She said, pushing past me and walking out the door.

"Planet to save?" Amy asked girl, who was now walking away.

"Yeah, a planet to save. You know, a planet meaning Earth. To save, meaning stopping the Cybermen kill off the planet." She explains, to Amy. "Anyway more to the point, who are you and why are you here?" She asked, turning to face us all.

"I'm Amy, this is Rory and you've already met The Doctor. Who are you?" Amy told her, pointing to us all and then the girl.

"Somebody. Now why are you here?"The stranger asked us, giving a vague answer to Amy's question.

"We crashed. My ship brought us here. We landed at the top of the tower but we ran into a Cyberman and it brought us down here. Where we found you." I explained to her.

"And where is down here?"

"We're underneath the Eiffel tower. You've got to take the lift over there to get to ground level." Rory explained to her.

"Thanks, lovely! See you later!" She said, walking away and waving.

"Wait!" I called after her, as she pressed the button for the lift.

"What?" She shouted back, now in the lift.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Just a friend!" She laughed, as the doors closed and she was taken upstairs.

"Doctor, who was she?" Amy asked, standing next to me.

"I don't know. Let's go find out!" I laughed, running off down thecorridor towards the stairs.

A.N, Hey! Hope you enjoyed Chapter 2! Will try and update again soon, it may be later but if not it should be tomorrow! Please do Vote, commet and share the story with others! And if your enjoying the story so far please do fan me and add the stories to your libaries! Thank you! :Dx

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