Chapter 7 - The Whole Universe Is In Danger And You're Flirting With Me?

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Chapter 7 - The Whole Universe Is In Danger Of Death And Your Flirting With Me?

Madison's P.O.V

“There's 68 green bottles hanging on the wall...”

“Doctor, be quiet!” Amy said.

“68 green bottles hanging on the wall....”

“Doctor, stop!”Rory complained.

“But if one green bottle should accidentally fall, they'll...”

“DOCTOR, SHUT THE HELL UP!” I screamed. He stopped for a second and looked shocked by my outburst. I close my eyes and let out a sigh relief that he had stopped singing.

“ONLY BE 67 GREEN BOTTLES HANGING ON THE WALL!” The Doctor shouted, giving me a smug smile at the end.

“If you even think about singing another verse, I am going.....”

“There's 67 green bottle hanging on the wall!” The Doctor sung.

“RIGHT, THATS IT!” I yelled, before I got up and ran at him. He stood up quickly stood up and backed away. Just as my hand was about to collide with his face I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me backwards. “LET GO!”

“No. Madison, stop struggling! Breaking The Doctor's face is not going to help anything! I know it's tempting but please just stop!” Rory said, before sitting me as far away from The Doctor as possible. I crossed my legs and arms and looked at The Doctor in anger. Eventually, his gaze found mine and he started smiling.

“What?” I shouted.

“What?” He shouted back.

“Well your just sat there smiling at me like an idiot! It's kind of creepy too!”

“I'm just admiring you!”

“Why?” I shouted in frustration.

“Cause your hot when your angry!” He said simply.

“Excuse me?” I asked in shock.

“You are! I mean your hot anyway but when your angry, the word has a whole new meaning!” He said, raising his eyebrows.

“I'm sorry? We are locked up by Daleks in their ship and surrounded by death wanting aliens, who want every other living thing in the universe dead. So basically the whole Universe is in danger  And you're flirting with me?” I asked, getting up and walking over to The Doctor again.

“Hmm, yes!” He replied, standing in front of me.

“Good boy!” I said, smiling. “Now open up that ventilation shaft on the roof,”

“Why? What good will that do?” He asked, quietly and slowly.

“Believe me, I will do good. Now do open it!” I said, mimicking his tone.

“Make me.”

“Ok!” I replied, as I pulled out my gun and pressing against his body.

“Ha! You can't threaten me sweetheart.” He said, pushing his head closer to mine.

“Oh, but I can! See if I shoot you enough you won't be able to regenerate. Meaning your friends will be stuck here, waiting to be killed by Daleks. Or I could save the Daleks the trouble and shoot them first! So, Doctor, what do you say?” I asked, giving him a sweet smile.

“Amy, Rory get underneath that ventilation shaft and kneel down. I'll climb on top of you and open it up. Then I'll push Madison up through and then she'll help us through. Won't you Madison?” The Doctor asked, turning back to me.

“Oh, of course! I promise!” I told them, crossing my fingers behind my back.

Soon enough, after much persuasion, Amy and Rory were knelt down on the floor with The Doctor stood of their backs. He had his Sonic Screwdriver in hid hand, trying to get the hatch open.

“Doctor can you hurry up! You may not look it but you are really heavy!” Amy complained.

“Oh, be quiet Pond! I'm nearly done.” The Doctor said, glancing over to me and giving me smile which I returned. For a second his gaze landed on my gun, which I moved in my hand to show I knew he was looking.

“Almost done. Got it!” The Doctor exclaimed, putting away his sonic. “Madison, would you like to go first”

“Oh yes please!” I reply, walking over to the Doctor and taking his hand.

He held on to my hand and pulled me up onto Amy and Rory. I felt him try and reach for my gun but I quickly took back it without him noticing. He put his hand down and I stepped onto it, puling myself into the ventilation shaft. Once I was inside, I led down and put my face through the hole in the roof.

“Right, nicely done Madison..”

“Maddy!” I corrected him.

“Fine, Maddy! Nice job. Now help us through!” The Doctor said, holding his hand out.

“Umm, no. I don't want too!” I said, smiling.

“But you promised. You said you'd help us through!” The Doctor complained.

“Yeah, well I lied! Now have fun with the Daleks! Bye bye!” I said, waving at them.

“If you leave, I'll shoot you!”

"No you wouldn't! You're not like that!" I laughed.

"You're right I wouldn't! But I could get somebody else too!"

“Ahaha! With what?” I asked, laughing.

“With this.” He replied, looking through his pockets for the gun.

“Looking for this?” I asked, waving the gun in his face. He tried to reach for it but I pulled it back away from him.

“How did you?”

“What? Get MY gun back? Simple. Saw you take it, so took it back it back when you weren't looking! Easy mistake for you to make!” I said, giving him a smug smile.

“Madison, I'm warning you! Get back here now!” He yelled, as I reached for the hatch again.

“Oh, look at the time! Must dash. See you later or actually I probably won't due to the Daleks and all! But anyway, bye bye!” I said, cheerfully before closing the hatch fully on them all.

“NO! MADISON! NO!” I heard The Doctor yell, before it was fully closed. I pulled out a round, green disc and placed it on the hatch. The disc stopped the door from being opened. Even by a Sonic Screwdriver!

“I'm sorry. I'll come back, I promise.” I whispered, before I crawled off down the small ventilation shaft.

The Doctor's P.O.V

“NO! MADISON! NO!” I screamed, as she shut the hatch on us all. I hit my hand against the hatch and pulled out my screwdriver, attempting to open it.. But it wouldn't budge. She'd locked locked it with something even my sonic couldn't open.

“Doctor? Doctor what happened?” Amy asked.

“She's gone. Madison, she left us! She just saved herself, she's gone!” I said sadly.

“What? I knew we couldn't trust her! Why did you have to believe her?” Rory shouted, getting up of the floor.

“She said she would kill me or you too if I didn't help her! So I'm sorry Rory if I tried to save yours and Amy's lives!” I yelled back.

“Yeah, well we're going to get killed by Daleks now anyway so it doesn't matter!” Rory said back, walking over to the other side of the room. I watched him walk away, as Amy put her hands on my arm.

“Doctor? Doctor just ignore Rory. It wasn't your fault,ok. We would have all done the same. Doctor?” Amy said to me.

I pulled my arm away from her and walked away. I sat in the corner of the room and looked to the floor. I was an idiot. I'd trusted her after she threaten to kill us all. Now I've endangered my friends even more.

Yet despite all that, I still liked her.

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