Chapter 12 - Saving Lives, UNIT And Truth Revealing Arguments.

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Chapter 12 - Saving Lives, UNIT And Truth Revealing Arguments.

Madison's P.O.V

The bright light shone around the room as I stumbled around from the journey. I looked up to see I as in a church. With a large, metal thing behind me? I lifted up my wrist to heck my teleport, to see if I was in the right place. I was. But my teleport started to go wrong and soon the screen went dead. I tapped the button and even resorted to hitting it but nothing worked.

"Why! Why always me?" I mumbled, taking out my gun and walking around slowly. I edged around the corner but stopped when I heard voices. I sounded like people were crying. I stuck my head round the corner only to group of 4 Angels in a circle surround someone. Amy! I tried to listen to what sh was saying but it only sounded like she was crying.

"Doctor, I'll be fine. I promise! Hey, The Doctor crying over me Amelia Pond! Guess what?....Gotcha!" Amy said, laughing at the end. Was The Doctor there? And where was Rory? I started to walk slowly towards Amy and the Angels, making sure I had all of them in my line of vision.

"Amy? Amy are you alright?" I called out but there was no response. "AMY!" I shouted. She slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes, giving me a shocked look.

"Doctor? Rory? Help!" She called back with a broken voice.

"Amy, it's me Madison. You remember me right? From Paris with the Cybermen and on that spaceship with the Daleks! Remember Rory shouted at and I ran off. Amy?" I explained, walking closer to them all.

"I remember you. Why are you here" She asked, standing up.

"I'm here to save you! Now, is there any way you can get out? And do you know if there are any more Angels?" I asked her.

"No, I'm stuck. Yeah, I think there were some more around The Doctor and Rory but I don't know where they are." She explained, letting out a small sob as she mentioned The Doctor and Rory.

"Right, ok. Do you know where The Doctor and Rory are?" I asked, carefully as she was clearly upset about the subject.

"No. Rory went off to help The Doctor and they got trapped and so did I...and...and.." She stuttered, as she broke out into tears again.

"Hey, it's alright! Don't cry, Amy. I will save you. I just need to make a phone call to get some help with this, alright?" I explained to her, before taking my phone out and calling the number Martha gave me.

"This is UNIT force 1." The male voice said through the phone.

"UNIT force 1, this is Madison Brown...." I started.

"How did you get this number?"

"Well if you let me finish! I'm Madison Brown and I've been given this number by Martha Jones. I am in need of your assistance. I am at St Paul's Cathedral, London, United Kingdom and I am surrounded by Weeping Angels. I repeat,, there are 7 Weeping Angels inside St Paul's Cathedral. This is Code Red Weeping Angels. I need you here as soon as you can get here!" I explained down the mobile.

"Martha Jones, you say?"

"Yes, Martha Jones! Is she there now?" I asked, hoping to get a good response.

"She's just got here..."

"Good, put her on. Now!" I yelled at the male.

"Hello? Madison?" Martha's voice called out.

"Martha! I need you and UNIT here now! One person is in danger of death and the two males are missing. I need your help now Martha, please!" I begged into the phone.

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