Chapter 3 - Invisible Teleport's On The Eiffel Tower

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Chapter 3 - Invisible Teleport's On The Eiffel Tower

Madison's P.O.V

"Why do people always get in my way?" I said, pulling out my teleport to see where they had gone after our meeting.

The stairs. So they were following me. Great! I sighed as the lift doors opened and saw I was across the road from the Eiffel Tower.

I started to walk over there, when I saw the three from earlier coming up the stairs to my right. I stopped and watched them to see what they were doing. They were just talking until the man, Rory, spotted me and they all started to walk over to me.

Great, just what I needed! I started running towards the Eiffel Tower, in hope of losing them. I looked over my shoulder to see 'The Doctor' was running fast behind me.

When I reached the Tower I ran up the first staircase I could see. 'The Doctor' was getting to close to me so I was relieved when I saw the elevator. I pushed myself to run as fast as I could and soon I was a the lift doors, away from my three followers. I quickly pressed the up button and soon enough the lift appeared. I rushed inside the lift and pressed the top floor button repeatedly.

"Come on! Come on!" I yelled at the buttons, hitting them harder and harder.

"Door's closing." The lift voice said.

"Yes, hurry up!" I screamed. The doors fully closed, just as The Doctor reached them. I slumped on the floor and let out a sigh of relief. I put my head in my hands and tried to think of a plan for when I reached the Cybermen on the top floor. The ding in the lift went off, to signal I was at top floor. I stood and prepared myself for the sight of thousands of Cybermen that would be before me.

The doors slowly opened and I defiantly didn't expect to see what I did.

"Hello! Sorry, we needed to get to the top floor and we didn't feel like taking the stairs again! Don't mind us!" The Doctor said, putting away his device that freed me earlier. He gave me a goofy smile, then pushed his way inside the lift along with his two friends. I stood at the front of the group in front of the doors, just waiting for the awkward lift journey to end.

"So, you never did answer our question. Who are you exactly?" The Doctor asked me. I just stood there facing the doors, giving them the silent treatment. I felt somebody tap my shoulder repeatedly, until I turned around to face the trio.

"What!" I asked them, annoyance clear in my voice.

"I asked you a question. Who. Are. You?" He asked again slowly.

"And I wasn't going to give you an answer!" I replied, turning around again.

"Why not?" Amy asked.

"Because I don't want to and I don't have to." I snapped. Luckily just then the doors opened and I quickly ran out. I had to stop when I saw two Cyberman facing away from me.

"Why do you keep running away?" Rory asked out of breath, after they had caught up with me.

"Shhhh!" I whispered, pointing to the two aliens in front of me.

"Doctor, what do we do?" Amy whispered to The Doctor.

"Ummm, not sure! Give me a minute, I'll think of something..." The Doctor rambled on.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, before walking up behind the two Cybermen and kicking them both in the back. They both fell to the floor and before they could get up, I took out two of the metal tubes from my belt and stuck them both in the necks of the metal monsters.

"Easy!" I said, before turning around to see The Doctor and his friends still thinking of a plan. I rolled my eyes before putting on my sweetest voice.

"Oh, Doctor dear! Don't worry that pretty little head of yours too much, I've already taken care of our little alien issue!" I said smugly, before walking off.

I walked around the top of the Eiffel Tower and walked into something. I looked back where I walked and carried on walking again, this time doing the same thing and falling to the ground.

"Owwww!" I mumbled, sitting up and rubbing my head. "What was that?" I asked The Doctor, as I noticed him waving his metal tube over the invisible thing I had walked into.

"Invisible wall or a teleport to somewhere else. Oh, but don't you worry that pretty little head of your too much. I've already taken care of it!" The Doctor explained, mocking my earlier comment. He gave me a smug smile before holding his hand out to me. I quickly took it and pulled my self up, before I stood next to The Doctor at the 'Invisible Teleport'.

"So, can we get through it?" I asked, annoyed.

"Of course we can get through it! I just need to open it up." The Doctor replied, mocking my tone.

"You going to do that with your cheap, stick-like torch thing?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest and looking The Doctor up and down.

Behind me I heard a few laughs from Amy and Rory. I looked around and gave them a smile, which they quickly returned. I turned back to face The Doctor only to see him glaring at Amy, Rory and I which I happily returned with a smug smile.

"One, it is not a cheap stick-like torch thing! It's a sonic screwdriver! Two, yes, I am going to open it with the SONIC SCREWDRIVER! But on one condition. I will open it up for us and you, but you have to answer our questions first." The Doctor told me.

"Now that's just a wonderful suggestion sweetie but on the other side of that teleport is a army of angry Cybermen who most probably intend to take over the world by killing everything in their path. And I have to be over there and somehow kill off all the Cybermen and escape using a plan I haven't actually thought about yet! So we are running a little short on time. So if it's possible could we save the questions for a bit later?" I explained, getting angry over The Doctor's stupid suggestion.

He stared down into my eyes for a while, chucking the screwdriver around in his hands. I could feel the impatient stares of the couple stood beside us, burning into my skin.

"What's to stop you just leaving after?" The Doctor asked, taking a step closer to me.

"Ok, how about an answer for an answer? That way I get to find out what I need to know and so do you! Deal?" I suggested, putting my hand out to the Doctor. His eye's flickered between me and my hand before shaking it, agreeing to the deal.

"Right, now open up that teleport!" I said, pulling out one of my guns and one of my two remaining metal tubes.

"Right. Amy, ready?" The Doctor asked.

"As I'll ever be!" She replied, taking a stand by The Doctor.

"Rory, ready?"

"Not really, but I don't have much choice. So yes!" He said, throwing his hands in the air and standing next to Amy.

"You, stranger girl. Ready?" He asked me.

"Oh yes! You ready?" I asked back.

"Ha! No!" He laughed, holding his sonic to the 'invisible wall' and pressing the button. The wall began to ripple and soon it began to open, causing a breeze of air surround us.

"Right everybody this may hurt a little, so brace yourself. Hold onto each others hands and whatever you do. DON'T. LET. GO!" I shouted, grasping The Doctor's right hand into my left. His left hand grabbed Amy's right and Amy's left held onto Rory's trembling hand.

I looked up a The Doctor and nodded at him before stepping forward towards the teleport. "Right. Geronimo!" I yelled, stepping into the teleport.

Just as I did, I heard The Doctor yell after me.

"Hey, that's my thing to say!"

A.N Hey! You probably already now what I'm going to say! Please please please do vote comment and share the story, it honestly does mean a lot! Thank You!! :)

My Bow Tie Wearing Time Lord (Doctor Who FanFiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang