Chapter 15 - Come With Us!

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Chapter 15 - Come With Us!

The Doctor's P.O.V.

She was a Time Lord. Madison, was a Time Lord! How could she be? That was impossible. How did she escape the Time War? So many questions just because of one answer.

I was stood at the console, watched her. She was lent against the open door frame of the TARDIS, watching the universe fly by. We'd had another fight. After she did the whole 'I don't know what alien I am' act, I accused her of lying again. Saying she corrupted the scanner to make her look Time Lord. But she showed me she had to hearts and I had to believe her. We were the only two Time Lords left in the whole universe, I needed to believe her.

“Hey.” I said, as I stood next to her.

“Hey.” She replied, giving me a quick smile.

“You alright?” I asked.

“I've been better! You?”

“Shocked but I'm screaming with joy on the inside.” I replied, smiling at the thought.

“Why?” She asked, giving me a confused look.

“Shocked because I thought I was alone and happy because I'm not anymore!” I said, getting tears in my eyes.

“You thought you were alone?”

“When you last one left of something. Something that was once so great. And your the only person left to continue the legend. You tend to feel a little alone and left out.” I replied, as I let a tear roll down my cheek.

“You know what I think Doctor? As long as you at least know somebody, wherever they or you may be, and your looking up at the same sky. Your never truly alone.” She said, turning to me and wiping away my tears. When she went to move her hand away, I grabbed it and held it in place. We stopped and stared into one another's eyes, I didn't even notice myself leaning in.

I felt her cool, ragged breath breathing up onto my face, as stood up on the top of her toes keeping her face close to mine. I let out a quiet laugh, as she stretched up higher to be at eye level with me. I watched her close her eyes, as she let out mumbled moan. I shut my eyes and lent forward, making the final move. But as I lent forward her two words cut me off.

“I can't.” She whispered. My eyes fluttered open and I saw she had sat on the floor, looking down. She rested her elbows on her crossed knees, as she placed her head in her hands.

“Maddy?” I asked softly, worried by her reaction.

“I'm just can't.” She repeated. I watched her for a moment, before sitting beside her. I felt her shiver, as my arm brushed against hers. I pulled off my jacket and draped it over her bare shoulders. She mumbled a quick thanks, before looking up  and out to the stars. “I'm sorry.”

“About what?” I asked, confused.

“Everything. For lying to you. Shouting at you. Being a pain. And now mis-leading you.” She said, looking away.

“You shouldn't be sorry. Most of it was my fault really! I should have believed you to start with!” I replied, giving a small laugh.

“Doctor, if you had believed most of the stuff I told you, you would have been believing lies!” She laughed.

“Yeah, maybe. So you knew this whole time you were a Time Lord?” I asked, moving a bit closer to her.

“Yep! Known since I was little!”

“Why didn't you tell me? You knew I was a Time Lord.”

“Want to honest answer? Or would you prefer a lie to make you feel better?” She asked, turning her head to face me.


“Ok. I never really wanted to meet you. I heard all the stories about you. How you saved the universe, helped people live but also how you destroyed so many. How civilizations talk about you, as if you were the devil. I was scared to meet you. Scared you'd be angry and vicious. But back in Paris, I was proved wrong. You may be an idiot with a strange fashion sense but your alright, really!” She said, giggling at the end.

“Devil? God, I'm not that bad am I?” I asked, shocked by her explanation.

“Well, you did shout a lot at me earlier! Twice. And both times you were proven wrong!” She laughed.

“Yes, alright! Don't push it!” I said, trying not to laugh with her.

“Why? What you going to do about it?” She asked, as a playful smile rose on her lips.

“I'll...I'll..push you out the TARDIS!” I said, with a triumphant smirk.

“Aha! No you won't! I know you won't!” She replied.

“Oh yeah? Is that so?” I said, grinning like an idiot. Before she could answer, I jumped up and pulled her with me. I put my arms around her waist and flung her forward, out into the dark, universe. She screamed in fear of falling but I kept my arms safely wrapped around her, as she dangled outside.

“DOCTOR!” She screamed, whacking my hands which were around her waist.

“Madison!” I shouted back, laughing at her panic.

“This isn't funny!”

“Really? Because this is very funny from my view!” I laughed. I suddenly felt a few sharp points dig into my arm and when I looked at Maddy her mouth was around my wrists. “OW!” I yelped, as she pulled away. 

“PUT ME DOWN NOW!” She screamed, fidgeting around in my arms.

“What? Right now? So you'll fall down to your death? Well, if that's what you want!” I called back, trying to ignore the pain coming from my wrist where she bit me.

“NO! DOCTOR!” She shouted back, with panic in her voice. I loosened my grip slightly so she fell an inch but grabbed her tight again after. A piercing scream left her mouth, before I swung her round and onto my shoulder. I carried her around the TARDIS console, as she hit my back with her fists. I stood still and started to spin around until she started laughing. I carefully dumped her onto a chair before sitting down with her.

“So yes. I would throw you out the TARDIS!” I said, giving her a smug smile.

“I hate you.” She said, hiding a smile.

“No you don't. Remember? You love me!” I replied, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

“I am going to kill Martha!” She mumbled, before looking away with a sad look.

“Maddy? Whats wrong?” I asked, placed a hand on her shoulder. She quickly shrugged it off and stood up by the console.

“So, about that trip!” She said, suddenly cheerful.

“Yes! The trip! I was going to wait since Amy and Rory were in bed and I thought we could both use some sleep. So I was going to....”

“I want to go now.” She said quietly, cutting me off.


“I want to go on a trip now! Please?” She asked, giving me a week smile.

“Ok. Any particular reason?” I asked, walking over to her.

“I just want to get going now!”

“Alright. So, we have the entire universe to go look at! You can go past, present or even future! We can go to any planet in the entire universe! So, where do you want to go?” I asked, while I ran around the console flicking and pulling buttons.

“A week in the future on Earth.” She said confidently.

“You want to go to back to Earth? Why?” I asked, stopping still.

“I want to go home but in the future. Please? You did promise me a trip.”

“You want to go home? But you just got here!” I scoffed.

“Yeah and now I want t go again! Problem?” She asked, stepping towards me.

“No. Not one! The sooner your out of here the better anyway!” I sneered, before I realized what I said. She gave a small laugh before turning away and walking to the doors.

“I'd quite gladly leave you any day! Well? What are you waiting for? Get flying!” She called back, before standing at the exit. I watched her for a while before storming round the console and setting the coordinates for Earth. After a five minute awkward fight, the TARDIS made its 'whoosh' noise as it landed.

“We've landed! We're back on Earth, exactly one week in the future! Happy?” I asked, walking up behind her.

“Very! Where on Earth have we landed?”

“London. Just down the road from that warehouse, where we fought the Daleks!” I said, matching her anger.

“We? I think you'll find I fought them, while you were stuck in a cell!” She yelled back.

“Yeah and whose fault was that?”

“Thought you said it wasn't my fault!”

“Yeah, well I lied! Now, if you don't mind, I'm busy. So if you could just leave!” I shouted, opening the door.

“Wow! Really thought you might change your attitude towards me now. We're the only two left in the entire universe ad your chucking me out! No wonder you feel so alone.” She growled, walking out the door.

A stood and watched the space where she stood a second ago, before turning and heading for the console. As I reached the steps, I heard the door creak open followed by the sound of it slamming.

“Miss me already?” I called out, as a smirk played across my lips. I felt someone grab my shoulders and I was spun round.

As my face caught sight of Maddy's face, a pair of lips were smashed against mine. She snaked her hands around my neck as she forced her lips further against mine. I felt my hands move to her waist ,as I kissed her back. We stood kissing in the TARDIS for several heart-warming moments, until she suddenly pulled away. My eyes fluttered open and I saw her stood with an angry look on her face.

“I hope you know where that leaves us?” She said, folding her arms over her chest.

“I'm sorry?” I asked, still in shock.

“Do you know where this leaves us?” She repeated.

“Not really!” I said, giving her a confused look.

“Good. Because I don't either!” She said, looking down.

“So.....I was thinking...”

“Makes a first!” She mumbled.

“Would you like to stay?” I asked awkwardly.

“Stay? What do you mean?”

“Come with us! Travel the stars with me, Amy and Rory! We'd love you to stay!” I said, giving her a smile.

“You already know my answer! Sorry, Doctor! See you soon.” She said, giving me a quick nod before turning to leave.

“Yeah, see you soon. Goodbye Madison!” I called out, as she walked out the TARDIS again. But this time, permanently.

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