Chapter 5 - You've Met The Doctor?

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Chapter 5 – You've Met The Doctor?

Madison's P.OV

I woke up around 11am the next day and I was sat in my room with my Laptop and packets of food sprawled across my bed. I was on the Internet looking up The Doctor. I knew he was a Time Lord, like me, and he travelled around with Amy and Rory. When I was searching it one suggestion caught my eye. 'The Doctor's Past Companions'. I clicked on it and soon many names and pictures of people appeared. I scrolled through the page until one name stood out. 'Martha Jones'

"It can't be!" I whispered clicking on the girls name. Soon enough a picture of Martha came up and it was the same girl as my friends Martha. My friends Martha worked for UNIT and we met when I was saving Earth once again.

I was at an abandoned Warehouse, looking for a rouge Sontaran, when I came across Martha and her husband Micky. After an argument of trying to get the other one to leave, we eventually decided to team up and help one another. The couple ended up outside looking for the Sontatan.

Once I had gotten outside after them, I found Sontaran dead on the balcony. I saw Martha and Mickey looking at the end of the balcony and when I looked over I just saw a tall man in a long brown coat, holding a sledge hammer, walking away. And since then you have been friends with Martha.

The thing was Martha knew I was a Time Lord and if she knew The Doctor, she must have known he was a Time Lord too. I grabbed my phone from the side cabinet and dialled Martha's number.




"Hey Maddy!" Martha's voice sung down the phone.

"Hiya Martha! Ummm, are you busy right now?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"No, not really. Why?"

"Could you possibly come over? I need to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, of course I can. Is everything alright?" She asked, with concern clear in her voice.

"I'll explain when you get here! Just let yourself in through the back door." I said, picking out some clothes.

"Alright, see you in about 10 minutes." She told me, before the line went dead. I put on the clothes I had picked out, before I went downstairs to make two coffees. Soon enough 10 minutes passed and the back door opened revealing Martha in her UNIT outfit.

"Hi Maddy, It's me!" She called out.

"Hey, I'm in the kitchen!" I yelled back. Once she walked in a smile crept across my face and I walked over and hugged her.

"Oh, It's so good to see you again!" Martha said, taking a seat next to me at the table.

"I know, Its been too long! But I guess we both have busy lives right!" I replied.

"Yeah, too busy sometimes! Anyway , why did you call me over?" She asked, taking a large sip of her coffee.

"Oh yeah, that! Why didn't you tell me you travelled with The Doctor?" I asked, nervously. She spat her coffee back into her cup, as she started choking on it. I patted her back lightly, as her coughing started to calm down.

"How... How do you know about?" She asked, through the coughs.

"Looked it up online."

"But why?"

"Because I met him!" I replied quietly, looking down.

"You met him? When? How?" She asked, leaning towards me.

"Earlier on this morning. Got taken to Paris, to kill off some aliens and when I got there I ran into him. He helped me a bit but I left before we could do anything else." I explained.

"Wow! I can't believe you finally met him."

"Martha? If you knew I was a Time Lord and you had travelled with him, clearly knowing he was a Time Lord too, why didn't you ever tell me you knew him?" I asked, looking into her eyes. She sighed a little, before looking back at me.

"I don't know. I just didn't think you wanted to meet him and my time with The Doctor didn't really end well. I mean, I had a great time and I saw some amazing things but it the end it hurt me and my family. I guess I didn't want the same thing to happen to you!" She told me, giving me a sad smile.

"Oh. Well, thanks for caring, I guess!" I said, laughing a little.

"Its alright! So, come on! What's The Doctor like now then?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Well, he's tall-ish and quite young. Floppy dark, brown hair and green eyes. But he also wears a brown tweed coat, braces and a bow tie!" I told her, giggling like a child.

"A bow tie?" Martha asked me in confusion.

"Oh yes, a bow tie! Bow ties are cool!"

A.N, Hello! Sorry this chapter is so short and rubbish! It mainly a filler chapter! So, sorry about that. Hope you noticed the Tenth Doctor reference!

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Thanks for reading! :D

-Danielle! :D

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