Sorry doesn't always work (trigger warning)

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I wake up to fifteen missed calls from Michael. I blink the sleepiness out of my eyes and clear my throat , he told me to get the fuck out of his life so that's exactly what I'll do. I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I look shitty. I get out my face wash and squeeze it onto my fingers. The burning sensation spreads across my face as I press it into my pores. I look into the mirror again, "I really do look terrible" I think to myself. I brush my teeth, put on my clothes and head out the door to my bestfriend Harrison's house.

When I arrive at Harrison's house I give him the run down of everything that has happened in the past few days and he is instantly furious. I literally have the best friend ever. He is always there for me when I need him.


"H-hey Harrison, can you please come over I need support."

"Of course Ry."


This is the night my mother passed away, she died of breast cancer alone in her bed, while my father was out fucking prostitutes on the corner. He blames himself for her death because of the fact that he was cheating on her. I cried for hours after my mom died even though i didn't have much of a relationship with her. A few months later my dad became very depressed and jumped off of a bridge.

As me and Harrison talk about Michael my dad's name pops up with a message titled "SORRY"

I stand up, Start to open my phone and faint

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