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I wake up with a bag of ice on my temples and Harrison staring into my eyes with a worried look on his face. The first thought that comes to my head is how long have I been out? I remember falling out after..... Then it suddenly hit me. My father texted me? But he's been dead for five years. How is this possible? I saw his coffin being dropped into the ground, I remember crying for days and days after his funeral. I thought i would never be the same that I was before, and then out of nowhere he texts me. I pull out my phone still disoriented from the fall I had and read the texts.

Dear Ryan, I know you think I am dead, and for that I am sorry. I faked it all. This whole time I have been alive. I know you have a million questions like you always do, So ill answer as many as I can in this message. I know you're probably wondering why I did what I did and really its because I knew I couldn't be a good father to you after your mom had passed, I knew things would be different so instead of trying I ran away. Its one of my biggest regrets, and i would take it back if i could. You just look so much like her that I couldn't bare looking at you without reminiscing her and my memories. I just want you to know that after all these years I love you and I miss you so very much. I hope you've been doing well lately and I want to meet you at the corner coffee shop. You know our favorite. Meet me there at three pm tomorrow, I love you. Dad.

I stand up run to the trash can and get sick. I can't believe someone i loved could be so selfish. I pull out my secret weed stash, put water in my bong and begin to smoke. I'm gonna need to get high tonight if  I wanna get through it without breaking down. Me and Harrison sit there smoking from the bong. The thought finally pops into my mind. Should I really go?

Without warning I feel a hand on my thigh. I look over at Harrison and then he tells me something I'd never think to hear from him.

"Ryan, I'm in love with you."

His hand remains on my thigh as I look him in the eyes, I can tell he really means it. If I'm being honest I've loved him since i met him myself. Is this my opportunity to finally get what I've fantasized and dreamed about for the past five years. Or is he just too high to know what he's saying. He looks me in my eyes and says it again I can really tell he means it this time. I pull his  head closer to mine and kiss his lips.

I break away and say, "I love you too Harrison."and we move to the couch and have the best Netflix and Chill session ever. I have him, old pizza and a bong filled with weed. Life is going to get better.

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