Dszahdh - Davey X Reader

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Hoooooooooo boy... I never thought I would actually write something like this, but the people want what the people want and I was inspired.

So suffer.

Special thanks to @omg_im_totes_biii_ for making the best accidental comment ever and inspiring writers everywhere and to @DayDreamShimmer for helping me get over my fear of posting my writing. I've never met either of you but y'all are Newsies fans and just as weird as me so that makes us automatic family.

Prepare yourselves; this is going to be a wild ride. I'm sorry in advance. Please feel free to skip this chapter I swear the rest of them are normal.

(Davey X Reader)


"Davey! Go get the pan of gingerbreads out of the oven before they burn!"

"But I'm comfy! Why can't Les get them?!" Davey hollered back from within his comforter cocoon on the couch.

"Because he's smol and I don't trust him around heats or sweets." You yelled back from the garage. Davey pouted, by couldn't exactly argue with the truth. Especially when it rhymed.

"Why did you have to- Oof- wrap your presents when you- hoooomph- had a pan of cookies- ahhh!- in the oven?!" Davey cried, trying to fight his way out of the blanket mound he had buried himself under. Once he finally freed himself from the blanket cave, he stood up and straightened his slightly ruffled clothes. He shivered at the sudden lack of warmth and padded to the kitchen, arms wrapped around his torso.

"Well excuuuuuse me princess! Not everyone had all their presents wrapped five weeks before Christmas."

"I like being prepared!" Davey whined like a little puppy.

"There's prepared, and then there's you!" You teased back.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs just looked at each other and smiled. The playful banter between the two was a common occurrence and they always sounded like an old married couple. It was adorable.

Davey grabbed the oven mitts from beside the oven and carefully put them on. Being very careful not to burn himself, he gingerly (ha ha get it? Cause it's gingerbread? Hahahahaha ha ha I'll go now) pulled out the tray and placed it on the cooling rack.

Just as Davey was turning the oven off, Las rushed in with a horrified look on his face.

"DAVEY YOU GOTTA- Wait are the cookies done?! Never mind, crisis averted." Les flipped from terrified to delighted in a millisecond. He reached for a cookie but Davey slapped his hand away.

"You have to wait for them to cool or you'll get burned. Remember the whole snickerdoodle fiasco?" Davey sternly reminded his brother. Les pouted, but still pulled his hand away from the tray.

"So why were you so alarmed when you first came in here? You were acting like the house was on fire."

"Well it-"

"Hey, Davey? Does anyone in your family ride a Harley with... um... a blood splatter pattern?" You asked as you walked in to the kitchen, your arms filled with freshly (aka badly... with old newspapers) wrapped gifts. Davey's eyes widened.

"Oh. Oh no. She wasn't supposed to come this year..."

"She? She who?" You quickly put down your gifts and rushed over to your boyfriend. He didn't respond.

"Dave, look at me. Are you ok?" You placed your hands on his cheeks.

Davey had already broken out into a cold sweat, despite the chill of December, but your touch warmed him from the inside out. He leaned into your hand and pulled you into a hug, holding you protectively and placing his head on your shoulder.

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