And They're Off! Pt. 1 - Race X Reader

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So I haven't been writing.

This is because (insert generic excuse like no time and stress and school and writers block).

...Yeah, that's bull crap.

The truth is I just don't really enjoy actually writing right now. Don't get me wrong, I love all of y'all and your feedback always makes my day, but I just feel like I don't have it in me right now to write. Everything I try to write right now is either a thinly-veiled regurgitation of the same story that I've already written like three times with a different boy, or it's really sad, or it just plain sucks.

I'm a sad boi.


I will try to keep plugging away and getting chapters out as I can. I know I'm never going to be as prolific as SOME PEOPLE (DaydreamShimmer cough cough) but I will try for you guys because you all rock and I love you.

Whether you comment occasionally or on like, every sentence in the story, or not at all, thank you. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my stories. Thank you for giving this crazy little fangirl's book a chance. You are all so appreciated and loved, I just wanted you to know that.

So here's a kinda modern Race AU for your enjoyment, because even though he's me from another dimension and my clone and my twin and, like, a cat or something? He's still pretty darn sexy.

Don't froget.


The day started with your hat blowing away.

And of course you weren't going to run after it; the thing was ghastly. Olive green and covered with flowers and feathers and even a bird figure.


Your Aunt Beatrice had proudly presented it to you on your birthday last year. Nothing against Aunt Beatrice, she was a cute, sweet, little old lady who baked the best pies, but the poor woman had no fashion sense whatsoever.

She would be sad that you lost the hat, but it wasn't exactly your fault...

Well, this way you wouldn't have any guilt whatsoever. It was entirely the fault of the wind and that was that.

You heard footsteps approaching you and you turned to face the source of the sound. It was your grandmother, who was all dolled up for the races, just as you were. Well, minus a hat.

"(Y/n), darling where is your hat? Did you forget it? Oh, your aunt will be so blue when she sees you without that lovely little thing." Your grandmother cooed as she fussed over your outfit, straightening your dress and perfecting your hair.

You held back a smirk and put on your best distressed act.

"Oh grandmother, a horrid gust of wind that stole away my lovely hat. How will I ever explain it's absence to Aunt Beatrice?!" You cried, falling onto your grandmother's shoulder and sobbing so pitifully that you really should have received an award.

Grandmother immediately began comforting you.

"Don't worry, Darling. We'll buy you a new one. A better one. I'm sure Aunt Beatrice won't mind one bit."

Wait, no.

"That's alright Grandmother." You quickly recovered. "I can just drop by the haberdasher on the way over to the races today. I couldn't show up hatless, now could I?"

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