Spellbound pt. 2 Davey X Reader

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Hey guess what I'M NOT DEAD! Yay!

This meme made me think of Race and "ya fancy clam wit da poyle inside" and I wanted to share. Also I reeeally want to do this now.

Also also, today at play practice, my friend was giving out the school paper (because he's in newspaper so it's kinda his job) and he was literally going up to everyone saying things like "get yer papes here! Local school division forcing kids to take QUARTER TERM EXAMS instead of just midterms and finals! Hey pretty lady, buy a pape from a poor sleep-deprived senior?" I got to whip out my perfected New York accent and help him "sell" all his papes and I legitimately lost my shoe at one point and I have never had so much fun in my life.

Also, my actual brother (sorry DaydreamShimmer) was featured in that paper (cause he did a cool thing that made him partially famous) and YOU BETTER BELIEVE I CHANNELED MY INNER RACETRACK HIGGINS AND WENT ALL "I's famous (by association)! When yer famous, da woild is yer eRsTeR!"

And my friends, graciously indulging my fangirl mode, responded "yer what?"


And then my director looked like he was just so done with life.

The end.

Now, enjoy the actual story!


"Davey!" You cried as you jumped into the boy's waiting arms. You easily sank into the hug, tucking your face into his neck. For some reason, he smelled like lemons. You had come to love that scent.

Over the last few weeks, you had met with Davey nearly every day, sneaking out under your parents' noses. Though, to be fair, they were too busy looking down those noses at everyone to notice their only daughter disappearing every day. Despite the constant threat of discovery and unbearable consequences from multiple parties should your secret be revealed, you continued your ruse.

You may be asking 'why, when the stakes were so high, did you continue to live a lie?'

That is a wonderful, good, very applicable question.

You didn't know.

At first, it was the thrill of rebelling against the iron rules imposed on you for the first time in your life, but now? Oof.

You weren't exactly sure if it was the novelty of associating with No-Majes, actually having friends for once, or possibly something more...

Oh, woe is you! You're obviously far too confused to think clearly!



Yeah... you weren't even convincing yourself with that crap.

You knew exactly why. You just didn't want to admit it to yourself. Because as soon as you acknowledged what that warm fluttering feeling whenever you saw Davey meant, as soon as you defined the reason you put everything on the line, you would have to face reality. And reality was not a pleasant topic for you.

You nuzzled closer to the one thing you desired, yet couldn't have. You just wanted to enjoy these brief moments of bliss before it was all snatched from you; ripped from your arms, literally and metaphorically.

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