Beautiful pt. 2 - Jack X Reader

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Ayy whaddup here's part two, in which you learn about (Y/n)'s secret past. Yay.

Part 3 might take a bit cause I have a surprise for y'all in it. ;)

But in the mean time, enjoy, my children.


Two years ago...

You sat in the corner, knees pulled to your chest. There was no room for you on any of the beds again, so you were stuck on the floor for the time being. It was early February and the Refuge had no insulation whatsoever. Your threadbare clothing did little to protect your gaunt frame from the winter chill. It was honestly a miracle that you had even survived alone in the world for as long as you did. You shivered; a combination of the cold and the thought of how close you were to dying before coming here. You had been so grateful a couple months ago when Snyder said he'd take you to the Refuge.

Oh, how naive you were...

You felt a tear slide down your cheek. All you wanted was for your parents to be here. Alive. Loving and warm. The three of you had never been affluent, but you scraped by. And you were happy.

Now? you were packed into a tiny, prison cell-like room with about twenty other kids, all of whom appeared to be boys. No food to speak of and rats swarming every corner, every crevice, every spare bit of cloth that served as a sorry excuse for a blanket.

You were indoors but you were cold. You were surrounded by people, but you were utterly alone. And you were stuck here until you turned eighteen. Which was two entire years away. How on Earth were you supposed to survive in this Hellhole for two freaking years?

You didn't hold back the tears, though you knew you should; they hadn't brought any water in a while. You tucked your head into your knees to hide your tear-soaked mess of a face.

"Hey, yous okay, kid?" you heard a heavy New York accent from above you. you peeked up to see a rather short, but very good-looking boy who appeared to be about your age.

"Don't worry 'bouts it. I's fine." You mumbled, pulling your legs still closer to your torso. Your strong New York dialect was very prominent in that statement. You could almost hear your teacher cringing. Sorry, Miss MJ.

"Don'chu lie da me, kid. I's seen hundreds of snot-nosed boys come in 'ere back during my first time here. Chin up kid, My name's Jack Kelly. What's yours?"

"My name ain't none of your business, Kelly." You quipped, snapping your gaze up to meet a pair of sparkling green eyes. Your accent remained present and very strong. Being around this boy, it seemed out of place to speak in the manner you'd been taught. Too refined. Not harsh enough to deal with this infuriating little jerk.

"Suit yous- Hey, whadda we have here?" He said, crouching down to your level and pulling your chin up with his finger. He tilted his head and smirked.

"Hello, Sweetheart." he said, smiling.

"I tells yah, I didn't expect to see no girl here. Thought it was beneath them to toss a dame into this place. Shows what I know, huh?" He laughed. It sounded like music after a long, empty silence. Wait, no. It sounded like a... cheese grater. You know? Grating? Cause... bad? Yup. Perfect save.

"Yeah, course I's a girl. Anyone who don't see that don't got eyes. I's a snack." You sassed, wiping he residual tears from your eyes to prove just how much of a knock out you were. You sighed a little. You'd been in the Refuge for a little over two months, so you honestly had no clue how horrible you looked right then, but whatever. Confidence is key, right?

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