Someone Like You pt. 3 - Crutchie X Reader

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These boys are a blessing to the world. Seriously. Look how adorable they are.

All I want in life is to find me a man as goofy and sweet as Ben Fankhauser ok? Ok. That's my dream. That's it. Is that too much to ask? Probably. *long dramatic sigh*


I've had a lot of school lately, and with rehearsals for my musical starting up (Woop woop!) I probably won't be able to write. Like, at all (not woop woop). Also I had such writers block for this story but I have to finish it and quickly because SOMEONE (coughJulescough) gets impatient and aaaaggghhfjfk I'm so stressed you guys.

Once again, thanks so much for reading! If you enjoy please consider leaving a star and some comments!


You blinked awake, finding yourself on a hard, but not sidewalk-hard, surface.

"Ugghh..." You groaned, attempting to sit up. Your head and your scraped arms throbbed, causing you to wince each time you moved. After finally achieving an upright position, you looked around. You were definitely indoors, though it was still mostly dark out.

Had you passed out? And why were you inside? Did someone kidnap you?!

Oh gosh, you prayed that wasn't the case. From a cursory glance, there didn't appear to be anyone else around, just some beds.


Where was Crutchie?!

You bolted out of what you discovered to be a cheep, lumpy bed and began frantically searching the area.

"Crutchie? Crutchie! Is you in here too? Oh please be ok... Crutchie?" You cried, looking for the boy, as well as a way out of the building.

"Oi, keeps it down, we's tryin to sleep here."

You froze.

"Who's 'we'?" You asked cautiously. Whoever the speaker was sat up quickly at looked over at you.

"Oh, yous the goil from the street. Mornin'." He yawned, seeming to be oblivious to your hysteria.

"Who are you? Where's Crutchie? Where am I?" You shot off, backing away from the unknown figure.

"Whoa whoa whoa. It's ok. We broughts you two in here last night aftah we found yous conked out in da street." He said, hands out towards you in the way one would hold them when dealing with a skittish wild animal.

"This here's the Lodge. A bunch of us kids wit nowhere else to go live here, and most of us is Newsies. My name's Jack. What's yours?"

"Uh.... name?" you tried to speak, but with so much information to take in, your thoughts were too jumbled to form a coherent sentence.

"It's ok. Just take a second to calm down." He encouraged, as though he had done this before.

Ok... deep breaths.

Just say 'my name is (Y/n).' It's easy. My name is-

Suddenly, Crutchie popped into your mind, and he called you

"Whistles..." you mumbled.

"You's called Whistles? I's guessing that's a nickname, but hey, half the boys here go by nicknames too. You'll fit right in." Jack smiled, relaxing his posture a bit.

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