Spellbound - Davey X Reader

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(Lol Harry Potter stole Specs' glasses)

Hi, I love fantasy worlds and magic and supernatural powers. It's literally my favorite genre of anything.

One of the very first stories I read that involved magic was Harry Potter, and it sparked my love of cool magic powers. Because of this, the series has a very special place in my heart.

So I thought; why not combine two of my favorite things?

Here is the (long awaited) result! I'm so excited to share it with y'all!


You pulled the coin you had found lying in the street out from the secret hole in your wall behind the portrait of your late grandmother. You flipped it, catching it as it fell. It was a real life, No-Maj dime; your most prized possession.

You stared at the silvery disk. It reminded you of a tinier, cheaper Sickle, with an old man stamped on it rather than a dragon.

Despite the utter worthlessness of the coin in your world, you loved the way it looked, the way it felt, the way it connected you to the forbidden world of the No-Majes. How you wished it wasn't illegal to interact with non-magic folk...

You attempted to use the novelty of the coin as a distraction from the altercation you had just had with your parents, but it didn't work; you were fuming. How could they do this to you? You were still a teenager for goodness' sake. You had your whole life ahead of you. So why?

You glanced around your room. Everything was expensive, sleek, and beautiful.

You hated it.

Suddenly, you could no longer stand the sight of the burgundy wallpaper that surrounded you, suffocated you. You yanked on a pair of boots and didn't even bother changing out of your old, faded skirts before apparating away from your lavish prison. You found yourself in the alley by the hidden magical goods store you and your mother frequented. From there, you ran out into the crowd of pedestrians, dissolving into the endless sea of people.

When you were in the homogenous mix of bustling people, class and wealth and magical affinity didn't matter. You were just people. People with places to be, things to do, others to see.

There was an imposter among the busy crowd, however: You had nowhere to be. You had nothing to do. And you were alone.

Yet despite this, you were in a hurry to get to wherever your feet were carrying you. It felt good to walk like an actual human. It felt nice to act like you didn't live in a world of self-worshiping bigots. It felt weightless to pretend like you weren't always forced to live your life precisely as your father dictated.

You took a shaky breath and looked around at the people who made up the crowd. There were people of all shapes, sizes, personalities, but they were all human.

You were human, too. Why couldn't your parents understand that?

You continued on, brooding for a bit.

You easily avoided the people around you, the rhythm of walking slowly soothing you. You began to enjoy your little impromptu stroll.

Then you ran into a lamp post.

Of course...

"Stupid lamp post, getting in my way. I should turn you into a cauldron and cook up a nice healing potion in it to fix the fractured skull you gave me!" You said, partially to yourself and partially to the lamp post.

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