Beautiful pt. 3 - Jack X Reader

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This will be cringey. You have been warned.

Also this got really freaking long but I'm super proud of it.

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe! (I've always wanted to say that lol)


You just stood, blinking for a moment after reliving the few good times from the Refuge. Yeah, it was a horrible place, scarring both physically and mentally, but you had met Jack there. Maybe... maybe it was worth remembering the pain if it meant not forgetting Jack.

Medda's booming, yet compassionate voice broke through your revelations.

"Oh, honey... I had no idea. If I had known you and Jack were in lo- were family from the refuge, I would have set you up... that is to say, set up a meeting, long ago!

"It's okay, Ms. Medda. I'll see him again soon, right? Doesn't he come here for your shows?"

Medda's saddened face turned to a smug grin. Oh no. Was she planning something?

"You're right. Of course, I'll need a song to sing. How's it coming along?" She asked looking around for the lyrics you had written thus far.

You glanced at the sheets of paper on the floor, about to break the bad news of your inadequacy to Medda when a bright splotch of color caught your eye. You had been so distraught earlier that you had been completely oblivious to your surroundings.

What had caught your eye was a painting.

There were deep purples and rich reds and brilliant light blues in the piece. The strokes told a story, as they wove together into bold red mountains and soft white clouds. They told a story of regret and heartbreak. Of passion and...

Oh my gosh.

You knew what the painting was depicting. You knew who had painted it.

And you knew exactly what to write for your song.

"I's not too far along yet, Ms. Medda, But my name ain't (Y/n) (L/n) if this ain't the best song you's evah gonna sing. "

"I believe you, Honey. One hundred percent." Medda smiled and left you to it as you grabbed a pencil and began pouring out your heart onto the page.


You proudly handed over the finished song to Medda, brimming with excitement and happiness.

She smiled and began reading the lyrics. As she read, he smile became softer and her eyes misty, as though her mind were someplace far away.

After a moment of silence, Medda finally looked back up at you. She sighed.

"Honey, this is your best song yet, but I simply can't sing it."

"What? Why??"

"Well, these aren't my words, they're yours. I just wouldn't feel right singing this." She said, leafing through your notes and lyrics.

You deflated in an instant.

"So I's just supposed ta... toss it?" You murmured, almost to yourself. You had poured your heart and soul into this song, and though it wasn't the best, it was you. Your feelings, your flaws, translated into a melody.

"Of course not, Honey. I said I can't sing this song. It's far too personal. You need to sing this to fully do it justice." Medda smiled, handing you the sheet music.

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