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Ruel's POV:

"Just let her be alone for awhile."

I pull myself out of Chelsea's hold and shake my head, still looking at the door Rory left through. "I need to make sure she's okay."

While I was talking to Mark, he told me all about the videos and pictures going around. I saw some of the things people were saying. Aurora must have seen them too.

I brush past Chelsea and jog after Rory.

I make it up to our room and open it with the key card.

"Rory, princess." I call out as soon as I enter.  When I don't spot her, I check the bathroom. I attempt to open the door but i'm stopped by the lock.

I gently knock. "Aurora, please open the door." I hear shuffling but she still doesn't answer. "Come on baby, talk to me." I plead softly.

There's more shuffling and then the door suddenly unlocks. I immediately push it open and don't waste any time pulling Rory into my arms.

She wraps her arms around my waist. "I'm being dramatic Ruel, i'll be fine-" I cut her off by pulling away and kissing her.

She relaxes and moves her lips with mine.

"You're not being dramatic Rory, what they're saying isn't okay." I cup her cheeks once we pull apart, and wipe away the leftover tears. "But you know none of it's true. You're better than all of them and they know it. That's why they're saying all that."

She slowly nods and rests her head on my chest. "I don't know what i'd do without you."

I chuckle. "You probably wouldn't have to deal with any of this right now."

She pulls away and frowns up at me. "None of this is your fault Ruel."

I shake my head. "But they're my fans-"

"So? You couldn't control what they say even if you tried. I don't blame you, so you shouldn't either." Aurora runs her hand through my hair.

I smile down at her. "Since we have the day off, I want to bring you somewhere tonight."

She raises an eyebrow questioningly.

I shake my head and kiss the tip of her nose. "You'll see when we get there."


"Almost there." I hold on to Rory's waist as I lead her towards our destination.

"I'm scared."

I laugh at the genuine fear in her voice. "Don't be."

"Okay and..." I stop her right in front of the setup.
"We're here."

She brings her hand up and slowly removes the blindfold. Her mouth gapes open when she sees what I led her to. "Ruel..."


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