Beautiful pt. 1 - Jack X Reader

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Heyo I've got a dilemma...

Jack and Davey are both super hot, just in different ways and they appeal to different aspects of my personality and it's so confusing like who should I crush on?!?!?

The artsy side of me loves Jack
The nerdy side of me loves Davey


Anyway, here's a Jack X Reader one-shot. Remember to keep an eye out for Great Aunt Merriweather! She's part of or alluded to in every one-shot. Comment if you find her!

I wrote this entire thing instead of annotating Hamlet so you're welcome because I'm def gonna get either a bad grade or a bad night's sleep because of this. Part 2 will be posted soon; just gotta proofread, so look forward to that!

If you enjoy the story, please consider leaving a star!


"Are you sure, Ms. Medda? I'm not exactly the best at rhyming... or coming up with a tune... or singing..."

"Child, I can think of no one better for the job."

You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, looking at the ground. THE Medda Larkin asked you to write a song for her next show. YOU. Of all people, this legend of a woman chooses a little homeless girl fresh outta the Refuge. Well, fresh-ish. It had been about six months.

"Ms. Medda, I really don't-"

"Write from your heart, hon. It'll come, I guarantee it." Medda said, patting you gently on the shoulder.

"Chin up. The silence ain't gonna fill itself with beauty; that's your job. It's just there to hold the sound for you." She smiled and waltzed away, leaving you alone in the middle of the theater.

Write from your heart? But your heart was blank. Empty. It was like you were made of paper; fragile and one good hit away from shredding into tiny bits.

Being in the refuge for years does that to a person.

You jolted back and sealed away those memories. Your glass heart couldn't take another shattering, not after you'd just pieced it back together.

No, your heart wasn't going to produce any beauty for a good long while. You'd just have to write from your mind.

They say 'write what you know' and go from there, but how on Earth were you supposed to do that when all you know is hell?!

No, it's better to just... fake it.

You glanced down at the small stack of paper in your hands and sighed. Might as well get this out of the way.


You had moved to the catwalk above the stage in order to stay out of the way of anyone who happened to pass through the theater. Also to hide while you attempted to BS your way through this song.

You could write about his... physique? No no no! That doesn't convey love!

How cute and loyal he is? That makes him sound like a dog!

"Mrrrruuurrrrgghhhhhh..." you groaned looking over what you had so far:

I love you, you're my favorite man
I love you more than anyone else can


Damn. That's it. That's all you had after HOURS of trying.

"HOW ON EARTH AM I SUPPOSED TO WRITE A LOVE SONG WHEN I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!?" You screamed, tossing the stupid lyrics up into the air and flopping onto your back.

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