Chapter 3: Guilt And Anger

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I call Jazz outside and wait for her there. She comes out and when she sees me holding the half ghost she gasps. "Oh my goodness, Danny, what happened to her?" I look down at my shoes. "I sort of happened to her, it was my fault. I just need to to make sure the coast is clear so I can sneak her up to my room.

Jasmine crosses her arms. "You need to take this girl home!"

"I'd love to but I don't even know her name. I have no idea where she lives. Can you just help me, Jazz?" She nods going inside. "Mom, Dad?! Where are you?"

"We're downstairs in the lab, sweetie, we'll be right up," Mom calls back. "No, that's okay I'll come to you!" Jasmine ushers me inside and I move quickly, heading for the stairs. "What is it, sweetheart?" Mom and Dad appear in the doorway of the basement.

I concentrate and go invisible. Jazz looks worriedly in my direction, she smiles when she can't find me. "Um, I wanted to ask what you guys were working on?" I smile and head upstairs quietly. Once I enter my room I shut the door, careful not to make a sound.

I gently lay the girl on my bed. Now that she's human I look her up and down. She kept her clothes but her hair is now black. I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed, elbows resting on my knees, I cover my face with my hands.

I hear a light knock on the door, I jump up, quickly wrapping my hand around Vi's wrist, ready to make her invisible. "Danny, it's me and Tucker." I sigh and relax, letting go of her wrist. I open the door and usher them in.

I close the door and lock it behind them. "I'm glad you're here guys, she might freak out less if you two are with me."

"Danny, are you really going to just pretend she's a normal girl?"

"Oh, so when you're around me you just pretend I'm a normal boy?" Sam raises an eyebrow at me. "Danny, what's wrong with you? You've been so quick to anger lately, you're not usually like this." I realize she's right and that it all ties to my feelings of being misunderstood and isolated.

Ever since I've discovered these feelings I've tried burying them, keeping people from noticing my sadness with anger. I should feel accepted when I'm with Sam and Tucker, but they're constantly reminding me that I'm a freak.

Wow, I must be spending too much time with Jazz lately. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "I'm sorry guys, I-I just. . ."

I hear a gasp behind me and turn to see the girl jolting upright in my bed. I go over and crouch down. "Hey, it's okay, you're safe." She stares at me, eyes wide before her eyes wander around my room. She notices Sam and Tucker, recognition flashing in her eyes as well as fear.

I assume she remembers Sam and Tucker being present before she passed out. She's afraid her identity has been compromised. "Who are you people? How did I get here?!"

"Calm down, you're okay," I say reaching for her and she recoils, flinching away from me. I give her a gentle smile. "Sam and Tucker found you passed out in the street. They came for me and I brought you back to my house. Are you okay?" I ask when I see her clutching her side.

"It's nothing, just an internal wound," she says quietly as the "excitement" fades away. "Can I ask your name?"

"I'm Vivian."

"Wait are you, Vivian Masters?" I ask and she shakes her head. "My father has that title, I'm Silver, Vivian Silver." I freeze and Tucker's mouth falls open. "You're that radio show host!" Her eyes widen in surprise.

"You listen to my broadcast?" I nod getting a more exciting feeling. "I've been dying to meet you. Though I'm surprised that your 14, for some reason I thought you were older." She smiles, her shoulders relaxing.

The Daughter Of My Enemy ⚪Danny Phantom⚫Where stories live. Discover now