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Character of the chapter: Bella!

Previously on Vampire Star Academy:
"Delinquents? What delinquents?" said Vanessa.
Katherine replied, "They're three girls who always hang out at the front of the school and taunt anyone who enters the school. One is a blondie, the other has black hair, and the last one has white hair."
"Wait? You mean those three girls by the entrance?" said Vanessa, to which Katherine nodded. "I-I didn't think they were bad, just mean, I guess... When I tried asking them where the head teacher's office was, they were rude..."
"Yeah, those girls. I know who they are. Their names are Sylvia, Raven, and Sapphire, and they're known as the VSA delinquents. They're third-years and they threaten other students, too..." explained Katherine. "Don't get me wrong, they're bad. Anyway, be more careful around them because they do not play nice around humans..."
"She's right! They're vicious toward all humans," added Bella. "Even us vampires..."
"Whatever you do, don't let your guard down around them. Okay?" said Katherine.
Shocked, Vanessa said, "O-Okay..."

The girls began to walk away from the closet when the ringing of a bell filled the entire school.
"Oh! That's the first bell! It must be 8 PM already." said Helena. "What do you have for the first period, Vanessa?"
Vanessa took her schedule out of her bag and looked at it with confusion. "I have... Anatomy? Is that a health class?"
"I have that class too!" cheered Helena. "Yay! We have the same class!"

After discussing their classes, the girls split up, leaving Vanessa's question unanswered...

Together, Vanessa and Helena walked through the corridors, up stairwells, and past several doors until they reached their anatomy classroom.
"This school is unlike any school I had ever attended," Vanessa thought to herself.

As the two new friends walked through the door into the classroom, dozens of vampires began to stare at them and shot weird looks at Vanessa. The nervous redhead waved to them as she and Helena found two empty desks side-by-side next to a window towards the back of the classroom.

While waiting for the teacher, the two girls sat down at the desks and chatted.
"This is your first time being in a vampire school, huh?" whispered Helena.
"Yeah," whispered Vanessa. "I had been homeschooled for the past three years. I don't even know what a real junior high school is like. But I did go to a human primary-"

The classroom became quiet.
"Vanessa, stand up," whispered Helena.
A tall woman walked in and stood at a desk in front of the classroom. "Bow!"
In sync, the entire class bowed to her.
Everyone sat back down as the woman began to speak. "Okay class, welcome to Anatomy. For this term, we will be studying the anatomy of both vampires and humans. You will all learn to blend in with human society."
A student stood up and said, "I understand why this class is beneficial to us, but what would happen if we get caught with our fangs out? Not to mention that eating human food would poison us."
"That is the reason why we teach anatomy courses here at VSA. We study human behavior to act more like them and get the vampire slayers off our tails." said the teacher as the student sat back down. "Are there any more questions?"
Nervous, Vanessa stood up and said, "U-Um... I'm new to vampire culture, but do vampires have an a-allergy to garlic like I do?!"
"Garlic is not an allergy, it's just poison," replied the teacher.

Embarrassed, Vanessa sat back down as the class laughed at the expense of her answer. Meanwhile, the teacher explained more about what happens when a vampire ingests garlic.

As Vanessa watched the other students answer, she began to hear voices behind her back.
"Is she even a vampire?" whispered a student.
"She sure doesn't seem like one. I bet she's a human," said another student. "Humans don't belong in vampire schools."

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