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Character of the Chapter: Akasha! (Vanessa's mother) (Character was created using the app "Avatar Maker")

Previously on Vampire Star Academy:
"Wait... Does that mean we are..." Vanessa paused as she and Bella looked at each other with the shock of realization on both of their faces.
"Does that mean we are... Cousins?" said Bella.

The two continued to stare at each other, trying to come to terms that they are not just best friends... They are related...

The door slammed open. Vanessa and Bella looked in that direction and saw humans standing in the opening. Two of them walked inside and detached the girls' chains from the walls.
"Come with us! It is time!" said the humans.
"Where are we going?" asked Vanessa.


The sky was filled with smoke and hate. Thousands of humans stood around a wooden platform with a stake standing tall in the middle. One by one, vampires were being dragged up there, tied to the stake, and burned to death!

Vanessa and Bella watched horrified as their kind was obliterated right in front of them. Amid it all, they heard familiar voices behind them.
"Please! No!"

Standing next to them with their arms restrained behind their backs was Helena, Katherine, and Ivy... They were okay!
"Let me go!" screamed Helena as she struggled to get out of the vampire slayer's grasp.
"Stop resisting!" the slayer shouted.

Meanwhile, Katherine and Ivy could only cry in silence.

As the stake was used more and more, Vanessa and her friends got closer to it.
"Your turn, redhead!"

Without resisting, Vanessa walked up there with the slayer. She felt there was no use in struggling because she knew she was weaker than the slayers. As she was held against the stake and her arms were tied behind her, a voice boomed through the execution grounds.
"NO!!! STOP IT!!!"
A male redhead stood in the distance.

Resisting to move forward with his arms being restrained behind him, Shuzo was alive!
"DAD!!!" screamed Vanessa.
"She is not a full vampire!" shouted Shuzo. "Let. Her. GO!"

The slayer who had tied Vanessa to the stake cut the ropes. When she was free, Vanessa zoomed off the platform. The slayer who restrained Shuzo let go of him too, and the father and daughter ran into each other's arms.
"Dad! You're alive!" cried Vanessa.
"Everything will be okay, Vanessa," replied Shuzo. "I'm sorry you had to go through this... Your mother is in a better place... I promise... When we get out of here we will go to another ci-"

A deafening crack of thunder filled the grounds. Shuzo gasped as his body arched backward. Bella and her friends all gasped in shock.
"Dad?!" cried Vanessa as she watched her father fall to the ground right before her eyes.

A pool of blood formed as Shuzo laid on the ground. Shock ran through Vanessa's body as she sat down beside her father and held him and his hand. He opened his eyes.
"Vanessa..." His voice was only a breath.
"I'm sorry..."
"No..." whispered Bella.
She turned to the slayer who restrained her.

The slayer let go of her. Bella ran to Shuzo's side and got down on the ground.
"Uncle..." she said with her voice quivering.
"Ah... Now I remember..." His eyes clouded.
"You're Cristina and Sirius' daughter... Their children were alive after all..."

Countless tears streamed down the girls' faces.
Shuzo smiled as he said, "All of you have the power to make a change... Live in peace and happiness..."

His eyes shut as his head tilted to the side. His hand slipped from Vanessa's grasp, which caused Vanessa and Bella to gasp.
"No..." cried Vanessa as her head drooped and countless tears dropped onto the ground. Bella could only stare in shock.

In the distance, smoke flowed out of the barrel of a pointed gun. The owner lowered it and began to approach the heartbroken girls.
"What a shame... I never thought I'd be killing my brother-in-law too."

Bella looked up at her.
"Who are you?!" she said with tears streaming down her face. "Why did you kill him!?"
"You don't recognize me? Well, perhaps it has been a long time... Belladonna..."

Bella froze.
"Belladonna?" whispered Helena.
"Only my clan knows my real name..." said Bella as she wiped her tears and stood up.
She took a closer look at the woman who stood before her.

Cristina smirked as Bella continued to stare at her.
"But... The fire... You're alive... How...?"
"I would've died along with your father in that fire, but those slayers thought I was worthy to become a slayer like them. I went with them... And now..."

She drew her sword.
"I must eliminate you!"

She charges at Bella at full speed with the sword pointed. Bella staggers back. She kicks, her mother blocks and swings her sword at her.

Bella staggers back when her mother slammed her sword into the ground right next to her.

Cristina swung the sword. Bella bent backward and felt the blade swish past her nose.

Cristina paused. The whisper of a footstep towards her. She lashed out, felt her sword connect with the ground again, heard a loud "crunch".

She attempted to stab. Bella ducked. Cristina kicked. Bella twisted.

Running feet. She turned. A body ran into her, throwing her onto the ground. Dirt flew onto her clothes and skin.

Bella stood up and backed away. Her mother stood up too and brushed the dirt off.
She said, "What was I thinking?"

She turned the blade toward herself... And plunged it through her chest. There was the sound of an apple being bitten into.
"I can't bring myself to kill my daughter..." she said as she fell to the ground.

Bella watched in shock as her mother bled out onto the ground. She fell to her knees as she heard a voice...
"No more..."
With a darkened face, Vanessa whispered, "No more..."
Her eyes widened.

"NO MORE!!!"


So I guess this is not the finale, it will be the next chapter for sure.

I cannot believe I have been writing this for a year and a month already!

So, what did you think of that epic fight scene?

Time for questions:

What is about to happen with Vanessa?

How will Bella handle the death of her own mother?

Will the students ever see their school again?

Find out next time!

I will update soon!


Words: 1095

This story WILL be continued...

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