Gaze of the Moonlight

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Character of the chapter: Sapphire!

Previously on Vampire Star Academy:
By the time March came around and the end of the school year approached, the students became restless. With the upcoming annual Vampire Star Academy dance, the female vampires were all scrambling around the school, looking to snatch their favorite guy as their date for the dance.

While Vanessa talked with her friends about who they would go to the dance with, Edward walked up to them with a rather unusual question...
"H-Hey... Vanessa?" he said with nervousness.
"Hi Edward," replied Vanessa. "What's up?"
"I wondered..." He began to blush. "Will you go to the dance with me?"

Vanessa's eyes widened as she too blushed. Her friends began to giggle.
"Ooh! He's serious!" joked Ivy.
"Say yes, say yes!" whispered Helena.

Vanessa replied, "Yes!"

With just five days before the dance, the school had to get to work to make sure the event goes without a hitch. Students and administrators pitched in to bring supplies, and soon enough, the Vampire Star Academy ballroom was decorated with beautiful ribbons and streamers above every window. Tables for blood refreshments were set up against the walls along with dozens of decorations. When the decorating was all done, Miss Ellanore couldn't be more impressed.

On the night of the dance, the doors to the entrance of the ballroom opened and all of the students poured into the huge room wearing their glamorous outfits. On the other side of the room, a DJ began to play all of the trending songs.

As everyone jumped right into dancing as couples, others stayed out. In the corner, Sylvia cried as she could still not get over the rejection she experienced several months earlier. Her tears stained her yellow and white-ruffled dress. All Raven and Sapphire could do was stand beside her and comfort her.

Meanwhile, Vanessa, who wore a beautiful white dress with black ribbons, stood against the wall watching everyone else dance.

In the crowd, Bella and her friends danced like crazy until they noticed that their group was not complete at the moment.
"Vanessa looks lonesome... Shouldn't we have her join us?" asked Helena who wore her favorite purple dress.
Wearing a black dress, Katherine replied, "She's waiting for Edward. We should let her be for now."

Vanessa still stood there. She watched as the scene ahead of her became a vibrant picture of pairs of dancing souls. She closed her eyes and listened to the music. Amid it all, she heard a voice that was distinct from the music...

She opened her eyes to see Edward standing in front of her in a black tuxedo with a blood-red bowtie. He held out his hand.
"Will you dance with me, Vanessa?" he asked.

She smiled and nodded as she took his hand. The two stared into each other's eyes as they walked out onto the dance floor.

When Vanessa flowed in dance it was as if it were the only way her body knew how to speak. She was guarded by the music, and she stood out with Edward. On the dance floor her personality, her sensuality burst into the most vibrant picture of a beautiful soul. Edward moved with her to the music blasting through the ballroom. The other couples noticed and began to spread out to give them space, watching them with their vampiric eyes. As she turned and lost her balance, she was caught by Edward. Still locking eyes with each other, a hopeful smile played on their lips...

All of sudden, the doors opened and a group of students ran inside screaming, "Vampire slayers!" "They're inside the school!"

Dead silence. The music stopped as over 450 pairs of eyes stared at the doors that were shut. Tension and fear increased as strange voices were heard outside.

The doors burst open with a loud bang!

Hundreds of humans carrying guns, knives, stakes, and swords blasted through the doors. Terrified screams filled the ballroom as bloodshed ensued. Vanessa watched horrified as vampires all around her were being slaughtered or tied up.

Vanessa and Edward stood aghast at the sight of the bloodstained scene. Both frozen in fear, they heard a familiar voice.
"No! Please! Don't kill me!"

Turning around, the two saw Sylvia across the ballroom with a slayer right in front of her. On the floor beside her were her two best friends wearing a black dress and a white dress that was both covered in blood... Raven and Sapphire were dead!

Realizing that the slayer was about to kill her former bully, Vanessa ran towards her just as the slayer raised their sword.
"You can't stay here! Follow me!" she shouted as she grabbed Sylvia by the wrist and zoomed away from the immediate danger.

As Edward watched, he heard a voice call his name behind him.
"Edward! Come with us!"

At an exit, Bella and her terrified friends were screaming at Edward to come with them. After seeing Vanessa and Sylvia run through an exit, he decided it was time for him to leave too.
"Hurry!" screamed Helena as she and Bella ran through the exit with Edward following.

Throughout the school, Vanessa and Sylvia ran until they dashed through the gates and reached the forest. Meanwhile, Sylvia was confused as to why the girl she had been bullying for the entire year had helped her.
"We have to hide!" said Vanessa they passed the dark trees.
"But I've always been mean to you..." said Sylvia with a voice full of shame. "Why are you helping me?"
Vanessa replied, "Because you deserve a second chance!"
She smiled at her.
"After all, I'm fifty-percent vampire!"

Thinking they were safe, the two girls stopped running.
Catching her breath, Vanessa said, "I think we'll be okay for now. I hope they won't find us here."
She looked in the direction of the school. "Bella... Helena... Katherine... Ivy... Edward... Please... Be safe..."
"Raven and Sapphire were all I ever had!" cried Sylvia as tears welled up in her eyes. "First they take my clan and now my only friends!"

That sentence shocked Vanessa as this reminded her of the story she had heard during the summer.
"She is just like Bella... Her clan was killed by vampire slayers too..." she thought to herself.
She asked, "Were Raven and Sapphire's clans killed off too?"
Sylvia nodded and replied, "Yes... That is why we always stayed together-"

Bright lights flashed. Like deers in headlights, Vanessa and Sylvia froze as dozens of humans dashed towards them. They tried to run out of the sight of the luminous rays when the humans surrounded them...

Vanessa and Sylvia were trapped!


Woah! I actually started getting the feels when I was writing Sylvia's sob story. Do you forgive Sylvia now? I always believed that people deserve a second chance and also the benefit of the doubt...

So back to the story: Things are just going to get even more intense from here.

By the way, sorry that this chapter was kind of short. Usually once I write 1000 words, that is when I know that I have written a good-sized chapter. Believe me, on my first account, my chapters were barely 800 words...

So, I checked my last story update on my Instagram, I realized that I have not updated since August 26th. So sorry...

Time for the questions:

What will happen to the vampires who were captured?

Where will they be taken to?

Will Vampire Star Academy ever be able to recover?

Find out next time!

I will update soon (That is literally what I said 4 months ago...)


Words: 1295

This story WILL be continued...

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