We Were Connected All Along!

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Character of the Chapter: Edward! (Avatar was created using the app "Avatar Maker: Anime")

Previously on Vampire Star Academy:
Thinking they were safe, the two girls stopped running.
Catching her breath, Vanessa said, "I think we'll be okay for now. I hope they won't find us here."
She looked in the direction of the school. "Bella... Helena... Katherine... Ivy... Edward... Please... Be safe..."
"Raven and Sapphire were all I ever had!" cried Sylvia as tears welled up in her eyes. "First they take my clan and now my only friends!"

That sentence shocked Vanessa as this reminded her of the story she had heard during the summer.
"She is just like Bella... Her clan was killed by vampire slayers too..." she thought to herself.
She asked, "Were Raven and Sapphire's clans killed off too?"
Sylvia nodded and replied, "Yes... That is why we always stayed together-"

Bright lights flashed. Like deers in headlights, Vanessa and Sylvia froze as dozens of humans dashed towards them. They tried to run out of the sight of the luminous rays when the humans surrounded them...

Vanessa and Sylvia were trapped!

Vanessa found herself in a room with stone walls but no windows. She sat in a chair with her wrists tied behind her and her legs tied to the chair. She freaked out and struggled to free herself.
"Don't try to struggle." said a strange female voice in front of her. "Those ropes were made with vampire strength nullifiers. You'll just tire yourself out."

Vanessa stopped and looked up at her. She was a woman with medium-length silver hair and glossy sky blue eyes. She wore a black and white striped jacket vest and a white and grey plaid shirt underneath with a grey tie. To top it off, she carried a scabbard with a sword.
Vanessa tried to free herself even more. "Please! You don't understand! I'm not a vampire!"
"Explain the fangs!" said the woman.

Vanessa froze. Without realizing it, her fangs had appeared again.
Looking down, she pleaded, "Please believe me... My father is a human..."

She looked up and stared at her with worry clear in her eyes. The woman's eyes widened in shock.
"Those eyes... They're just like my sister's!" she thought to herself.

"No! Please! Let him live! He has not harmed anyone!"
A quote from her past ran through her mind.
To Vanessa, she asked, "Are you Akasha's daughter?"
Shocked, Vanessa said, "How do you know my mom's name?"

A short moment of silence. The woman turned to the two guards at the door. "Untie her."

The guards cut the ropes off and Vanessa was free.
"Stay close! She might attack..." the woman added.
"Now, let me ask again!" said Vanessa. "How do you know my mother's name?" She gave her another look.
The woman laughed and said, "Should you be saying that to your aunt?"

As if she were struck by lightning, pure shock went through Vanessa's entire body. She got a flashback of seeing the photo of a family in the kitchen in her home. The woman in the photo looked just like the woman that stood right here in this room.
"Are you... Cristina?" she asked.
The woman nodded and said, "Your brandished idiotic mother was my sister."
"But that means..." Vanessa said, "You're a vampire too-"
Vanessa continued, "Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you killing your kind?... My mom is dead because of you vampire slayers!"

Cristina pointed her sword at her and said, "Your mother was an ignorant parasite peasant! It was I who slew her!"

Another shock ran through Vanessa's body. Her face darkened as she looked back down.
"It was you..." she muttered.
Vanessa looked up and with fury in her eyes, she screamed, "HOW COULD YOU?!!!"

She stood up, pushing her chair back and knocking it over. She began running towards Cristina when she was grabbed by the two guards.
"Take her away!" ordered Cristina as the guards began to pull Vanessa away by her wrists.

Vanessa struggled and screamed as she was dragged out of the interrogation room. Vampires trapped in the cells down the hall watched as the berserk girl was dragged past them and into a cell.
"Get in!" said the guards as they dragged Vanessa into a cell.
She fell to her knees as a chain cuff was attached to her wrist. The door was locked behind her.

She looked up and saw two beds. Sitting on one was Bella!
"Bella!" exclaimed Vanessa as she got up and embraced her.
"Are you okay?" asked Bella. "Did they hurt you?"
"No, but..." Vanessa sat down on the other bed. "I found out who killed my mom... It was my aunt..."
"Your aunt?" said Bella.
Vanessa nodded and replied, "She was the one whom my mother wrote about in her letter... She was disowned by her sister..."
Bella began to remember what her mother once said. "My mom told me a story like that too. She and my dad told Amy and I that our aunt left the clan because she was dating a human..."
That sentence sparked another realization. "Wait..." Vanessa said, "What was your mother's name?"

Realizing that her aunt had the same name left Vanessa astonished. But could it just be a coincidence?
"Wait... Does that mean we are..." Vanessa paused as she and Bella looked at each other with the shock of realization on both of their faces.
"Does that mean we are... Cousins?" said Bella.

The two continued to stare at each other, trying to come to terms that they are not just best friends... They are related...

The door slammed open. Vanessa and Bella looked in that direction and saw humans standing in the opening. Two of them walked inside and detached the girls' chains from the walls.
"Come with us! It is time!" said the humans.
"Where are we going?" asked Vanessa.



Sorry that I've been making chapters shorter now.

Now this is the chapter where I should have revealed that Vanessa and Bella are actually cousins, not Chapter 4. I still feel guilty that I revealed too much to early readers at first...

So, I can guarantee the next chapter will be the PEAK! Are you ready for it?

Time for questions:

What will happen to Vanessa and her friends?

Will Cristina be willing to save her own daughter and niece?

Can Vanessa prove to the humans that vampires are not as bad as they believe?

Find out next time!

I will update soon.


Words: 1113

This story WILL be continued...

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