Summer Is Short, So Let's Have Fun!

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Character of the chapter: Kathrine!

Previously on Vampire Star Academy:
Confused by her friend's sudden disappearance, Vanessa decided to go look for her.
"What if she's in the restroom..." she thought to herself.

She began heading there, walking past all the other arcade games. Approaching the restroom, she heard a strange sound.
"Is someone crying?"

She reached the door and peered around it.



"Kya—!" A familiar voice gasped upon being seen by Vanessa.
"Bella? What are you doing here?..." said Vanessa, shocked to see her friend in the bathroom like this. "W-Wait... Are you...?"
Bella put her arms behind her back and said, "I-It's nothing..."

This sight sparked a memory that now made sense.
"Is this the reason why she had bandages on her arm before?" Vanessa thought to herself.
In a tactful voice, she said, "What's wrong? This isn't like you at all... If I upset you, I'm sorry! But... Why... Why are you doing this to yourself?!"

Bella looked away ashamed.
"Okay fine... Listen... It's not like you did anything wrong..." she said with a depressed voice. "It's just... That game..."
Vanessa thought for a moment and asked, "Were you once attacked by vampire slayers?"
Bella stayed silent, which Vanessa said, "I understand if you don't want to talk about it."
Bella replied, "Alright, I guess I'll tell you..."

She began to tell Vanessa a story that she has never told anyone before... Not even her closest friends know the full story...

"I once lived a happy life with my parents and my little sister. Her name was Amy, and she was just three years younger than me. We would always play games, read books, watch scary vampire movies, and play with dolls together. During the night, we would play in the park. If there were any mean human bullies picking on Amy, I would be the one to protect her and scare away the meanies... She would always look up to me, and I would always be there for her... Our parents were always out and seldom home, and I would stay by her side at all times to make sure she was safe... We were joyful, young, and innocent vampires... However... It all changed when I was ten years old...

One night, our home was raided by vampire slayers. It was daytime, and Amy ran into my bedroom screaming that there were bad guys in our house. She cried in terror, and I told her to stay in my room as I investigated. When I looked down from the second floor... I saw humans running through the rooms carrying weapons and torches. Those humans noticed me and they all began running up the stairs. I panicked and ran to my parents' room, I screamed at both of them too. Once they realized, my mother grabbed my hand and jumped off the second floor down to the first to avoid the slayers who were already approaching the room. We were followed by my father, and at that moment I realized that Amy was still in my bedroom. I broke out of my mom's grip and ran back up the stairs to save her. By the time I got up there, Amy was already cornered by the vampire slayers. I ran in front of her and screamed at the humans, demanding them to not take my sister's life. They didn't listen. Without thinking, I grabbed Amy's hand and ran past the slayers before they could kill both of us and joined our parents. By that time, the entire group was among us. And at that moment, my mother told my sister and me to run far away from our house...

Her last words were: "Bella! Amy! You two need to live on!"

We both listened to our mother's words and ran out of the house... We were both in tears at this point... When we looked back, all we saw was a burning house... The vampire slayers had set it on fire... To avoid being caught by those awful humans, Amy and I continued running...

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