Introductions and Invitations

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Flannery leaned against the brick wall of the restaurant, her arms folded across her chest, her eyes narrowed at me. We'd been standing like this for almost five minutes, and sweat was dripping down my back, the cooler morning air having given way to sultry Indian summer heat. Every time I started to speak, those dang eyes narrowed even further. How they weren't closed yet was a mystery to me, but I knew if my explanation wasn't a good one, I could kiss my friendship with Flannery goodbye. 

The girl wasn't known for second chances.

"You could've just told me you had other plans." Her voice cracked through the silence, and while I hadn't expected her to speak first, I was grateful the stalemate was over. "I can handle that. I can't handle being lied to. Is this because you were pissed about the nurse thing?"

"No, Flannery. I wouldn't do that to you."

"But you would lie to me?"

Good lord. How was I going to get out of this one? I was so tired of keeping my other life separate from this one, especially considering I felt like it was my life in Black Brier that was the false one. I had no business living among supernaturals.

Scratching my neck, I drew in a deep breath. I wanted to admit everything, but nothing good would come of confession. Flannery would think I'd lost my mind, or worse, I was concocting some cockamamie story to get out of trouble. And, because I couldn't be punished with magic, my family would carry the brunt of the Council's displeasure.

So, I decided to tell as much of the truth as possible.

"I told you I was grounded because I was embarrassed." Flannery's arm remained crossed, but I caught a softening in her expression. "I'm not allowed to spend the night at anyone's house."

Her mouth fell open. "You're shitting me? Right?"

"Nope. You know how crazy my mom is, and she needed me to work at our store. I knew if I left it at that, you would've just told me to come over afterwards, but she wouldn't let me spend the night. I feel like such a five year old telling anyone that. I'm sorry."

"Even," she began, tapping her foot on the concrete, "if I believed you, why didn't you call me when you came to town? Why didn't you say hey to Charlie when you were in the restaurant?"

"I wasn't planning on coming into town, but Ash isn't local. He wanted to see where I went to school, and we got hungry. We weren't planning on being here long because they've got stuff to do at home tonight. I truly am so sorry."

On impulse, I threw my arms around Flannery. She melted into my embrace, and when we separated, she had tears in her eyes. "Just give me a heads up next time. K? Cause you look shady as shit doing stuff like that, and I don't wanna lose my friend. I ain't got time for that, okay?"

"Done. I will tell you next time, even if we're just peeing at a gas station, you will get a text."

"Okay- that's gross, but I'll hold you to it."

I looked at my car. Willow and Ash were standing next to it, their tan skin shimmering with sweat while they waited for me to hash things out. Flannery dismissed Willow with a single look, but her gaze lingered on Ash.

"What's the deal with that fine piece of man candy?"

Jealousy curdled my blood. It was an effort to sound casual. "He just moved to Black Brier. Boarding school kid before that so he's kind of weird. Willow is his cousin."

"She's the one you talk about sometimes?"

"Yeah, we've known each other since we were babies, but her family usually goes to Jackson if they leave town."

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