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Gravel spun under the tires of my car as I took a pin curve too fast. Flannery muttered prayers in the backseat, and in the front passenger seat, Willow's face was frozen into an open-mouthed expression of horror. I was a good- okay, decent driver, but I was determined. They would be fine.

Ash, on the other hand...

"Oh thank the good Lord in heaven above," Flannery said when I pulled into her driveway.

"Flannery, Willow is going to check the wards around your house. When we leave, you and your mama need to stay put. Understand?"

"I don't understand why I can't stay with y'all."

"Because you're not equipped for this fight," I replied as Willow hopped out of the car. She pushed her hands against her stomach and let out a long exhale.

Flannery leaned between the seats and put a hand on my arm. "Babe, I don't understand half of what has happened in the last couple of days, but from what I've gathered, you're not either."

Funny how a few days ago, that would've hurt me to hear, but now... Now, I knew it wasn't true. I had the necklace and bracelet, and I carried with me an understanding of this world that Flannery didn't possess. But more importantly, I was fighting for someone who believed in me.

"I may not be able to sling spells, but I'm fighting for both of these worlds. Because they're my worlds."

Flannery didn't look convinced, but she didn't have a chance to press me further. Willow raced toward the car, the panic she wore on the drive over had intensified to terror. Opening the door, I jumped out and reached for her.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to go. Now. Something isn't right."

"Flannery, baby, is that you?" Mrs. Connors stepped out on the front porch. She wiped her hands on a towel and squinted through the afternoon light. "And Rosey Wych? Come on girls. I've got someone in here who is excited to see you."

I looked at my friends and found the same understanding in their eyes that I felt in my soul. Clasping our hands together, forming a chain, we shuffled to the small, bungalow style home with our heads held high.

"Hi, I'm Genie Connors," Mrs. Connors said, sticking her hand out to shake Willow's.

Willow took it with her free hand, her voice thick with fear when she replied. "Nice to meet you."

"I've got a pot of greens cooking and some fresh cornbread. Glad I always make enough to feed an army."

"Oh, we don't want to impose," I insisted, even though my feet were already following her into the house.

The savory scent of bacon fat and greens carried into the living area from the kitchen, and underneath it was the smell of cornbread turning golden in the oven. Any other time, I'd be over the moon to be here. Flannery's always felt like home- without the stress that came with witchy sisters and meddling grandmothers.

"Child, what have I told you about that?" Mrs. Connors chastised. "Go sit at the kitchen table. There's someone who wants to say hello."

We three hesitated outside of the doorway while she bustled into the expansive kitchen, humming a cheery tune under her breath. A chair leg scraped against the wooden floor. The sound was followed by wood squeaking as the person resettled in the seat.

"You think it's Tio Luis?" Willow asked.

"Only one way to find out." Flannery spoke with an authority that didn't carry to her eyes. She went first before we could protest. Then she screamed, "Charlie."

"Flannery, no," I hissed, but it was too late.

She crossed the room and threw herself into her brother's arms, and then he did the unexpected. He hugged her back. They rocked from side to side for a long moment before separating. Mrs. Connors sniffed and wiped a tear from her cheek.

"You'd think those two didn't just see each other. I love how my babies love each other."

"Ch-Charlie?" I said, looking him over.

Warm brown eyes looked back at me, and he smiled. Besides a slight gray parlor to his skin, he looked normal. No flesh flaking away or horns growing from his forehead. No silvery light swirling around his pupils or fangs protruding from beneath his upper lip.

"How is this possible?" Willow hissed.

Only one thought came to mind, but it couldn't be. Ash had been missing for less than two hours. A spell like that- No.

"No hug from you?" Charlie asked, stepping closer and extending his arms. The flirtatious twinkle in his grin sent my heart thundering against my rib cage.

Afraid to refuse and desperate to accept, I went into his embrace. His arms closed around me, enveloping me in warmth and smell that was 100 percent Charlie. The heart thumping in his chest was steady and strong, not failing as I'd feared it would for so long now.

"Now, now, baby. You're gonna make me jealous."

"Oh," Mrs. Connors said, her face brightening as she looked to the doorway leading to the back part of the house. "That's the other news. Charlie brought his girlfriend home."

Willow let loose a flood of Spanish, and I didn't need to speak the language to understand. Jemina leaned against the door frame, her lips curved into a wicked smile. A faded bruise dotted her cheek. Then, she hooked a taloned hand over his shoulder and tugged him to her chest. Chin on his shoulder, she studied me.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"Jemina, what are you playing at?"

"You girls know each other?"

"Mama, let's go upstairs for a second. I need to show you something from school and completely forgot."

"Can't it wait until later, baby?"

"Nope. It'll just take a second."

Flannery dragged her mother out of the room, and as soon as she was gone, Jemina snarled at me.

"You stupid bitch. You're going to pay for hitting me."

"Where's Ash?" I demanded.

"Safe. For now."

That voice. Trembling, I turned to look at the boy who was now leaning against his kitchen table, hands in his pockets while he watched me, eyes once more an argent gleam.

"Neat trick, huh," he said. "Jemina, take your cousin out back. I'd like to have a chat with Rose here."

"Yes, Malphas." Jemina's reply was swift and respectful.

"I'm not leaving you."

"Just go. He can't hurt me." His gaze hardened- an acknowledgement of the truth in my words.

"Brave, brave little Rosey. I wish you wouldn't have run from the Goodwin's. Things would've been so much easier," he crooned the moment we were alone. He slithered around me, never touching me physically but searing my soul with every look.

"Tell me what you want."

His neck twisted, and he blinked at me in that vacant way that made me shiver. "What I've always wanted. What I was promised almost twenty years ago."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I dragged up the last bit of courage I had left. "I wasn't around then so I have no clue what you're talking about."

His hand shot forward viper fast, and I could feel his nails biting into my skin as he pulled me to him. The necklace and bracelet warmed but didn't repel him. Perhaps not able to act if the attack wasn't magical in nature.

Lips pressed against my ear, his breath hot along my neck, Malphas whispered his desires. His promises. When he was finished, I was holding onto him to remain upright. It all made so much sense now. My father's words. The missing magic. The necklace.

"I won't do it," I replied. He couldn't make me. I knew that much. I had to be willing.

"You do it," Malphas said, pulling back the curtains to reveal Willow struggling in Jemina's grip. "Or they all die."

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