The Healer

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After days of skulking in the shadows, going anywhere boldly caused me to feel jittery. The Healer watching us sign in to see my father said nothing, but it felt as if her eyes were heavy with calculation and lingered far longer than necessary. Ash kept his hand on my back, whispering that everything was going to be okay. He hadn't felt any strange spells, which meant the woman hadn't alerted anyone to our presence here- yet.

"You'll not be able to stay long," the Healer said, her words clipped. "He's still very weak. You're not to agitate him with questions. That's what the police are for."

"The same police who have my innocent mother locked up?"

I couldn't help it. The words burst out of my mouth like a jack in the box. Willow groaned, and Ash sighed. But the Healer surprised me with her response.

Holding up a hand, she motioned us into a dim hallway. "Be careful and be fast. If you need to get out in a hurry, there's an emergency exit. Go up to any North facing wall, tap it twice, and say, 'evadere.' It'll will temporarily lift the spell that blocks you from teleporting. The activating word changes every hour."

"Th-thank you," I said, searching her face for deception.

She took my hand and kissed my knuckles. "Most of us here stand with Alizon. She's a good witch and a better woman. She wouldn't do this. There is some dark and ill magic brewing in this town. I've felt it growing for months, and it's linked to whatever happened to your father."

We continued on to my father's room, and while I should've felt more nervous than before with her admission that this place held danger, the fact that we had allies here put me at ease.

"Medicus Galena, I need to speak with you."

The Healer turned at the sound of her name, taking a subtle step forward that put her in front of us. "Yes?"

"Where are you taking these children? Visiting hours are nearly over." Another Healer stepped into the hallway, his thick brows drawn tight over his slanted eyes.

"But they are not over, are they Medicus Ase?"

"You know Lu- you know we've been asked to report all visitors for this patient to the Board in light of the ongoing activation."

Galena glowered at Ase. Then turned to us. "Go on. See your father. I'll straighten this out."

"Medicus Galena, that isn't-" Ase's voice trailed away as Galena dragged him off by the scruff of his robe.

"I want to be that woman one day," Willow breathed, her eyes wide and appreciative as they followed the woman until she disappeared around a corner. "Do you think she's into younger women?"

"You're jail-bait, Willow. Here and in the impoten world."

"Not for much longer."

"Focus," Ash muttered, herding us into the quiet chamber.

My friends held back as I approached the bed. There was a healthy flush to his skin that had been absent during my one and only visit. Normal sleeping instead of knocking on death's door.

Taking his hand, pleased to find it pleasantly warm, I shook him gently. "Daddy. Wake up."

Short, pale lashes fluttered before his lids raised, revealing blue eyes as bright as a noon sky. It wasn't until that moment that I realized I'd been prepared to see swirling silver. What better host than a witch drained of his power. Not to mention, Luis would do anything to punish me for my refusal to submit to his whims.

"Rosey, baby girl. What are you doing here? It's not safe," he rasped.

"Daddy, I'm so glad you're okay," I sobbed, throwing my arms around his neck and burying my nose into his skin. He smelled foreign- like herbs and ointments- but beneath it all was the familiar scent of my father. I soaked it up.

His hand was heavy against my head, and he let me cry for a few seconds before pulling back. "It isn't safe for you here. Luis is looking for you."

"That's why we're here sir," Ash stepped into my father's line of sight. "We need to know the full extent of what my father is planning."

"Get her out of here. Far away. Until after her seventeenth birthday has passed. Malphas needs her to stay on this plane. I'm so, so sorry baby girl. If I'd realized then that I was putting you in so much danger. I-I never would have done it. I thought I was putting a stop to it all before it began, but Luis-"

Willow gasped just as my father and Ash stiffened. My skin crawled like fire ants were marching across it.

"Do y'all feel that?"

"It's my father," Ash said, tugging me toward the north wall. "We have to go."

"No, what did you do Daddy?"

He shook his head, tears flicking from his cheeks with the force of his movements. "We meddled with things we shouldn't have, and I didn't know that Luis meant to take it this far. Abuela. She saw it. She told him."

"You're being purposely vague," I yelled. "Just tell me."

"Find your sisters and Clemmy. Tell her to get you somewhere safe. She'll explain everything. I think she always knew what I did."

"Just tell me please." I didn't care that I was screaming. Luis knew we were here. Knew exactly where to find us.

"Rose," Willow shouted, snatching me away. She slapped her palm on the wall twice. "Evadere!"

"You're a Siphon, Rose."

My father's words hit me as the world twisted to darkness. I saw the door swing open. Luis' furious gaze boring inside of me while he reached for us. Then we blinked out of existence.

"Arrgh," Flannery shouted as we appeared beside her. "That will never be normal."

"What the actual hell!" I screamed, punching Willow in the arm as hard as I could. It was hard enough my hand hurt, but my friend didn't even cry out. What did he mean- I was a Siphon? I couldn't be. I didn't have magic. There was no way... or is there?

"What good does knowing do if we're caught?" she spit out.

I pulled on the ends of my hair. "I'm so tired of this. So tired of almost figuring things out just to have to run away. Aren't you tired of running?"

"Of course-"


"But we have to be smart. It's time-"


"To get adults involved."

"We can't trust any-"

Flannery clapped her hand in my face. "Excuse me!"

"What?" Willow and I demanded, spinning on her in unified annoyance.

"Where is Ash?"

Southern CharmsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora