Chapter 2

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For the past week, everyone has been extremely inquisitive about Merlin's life and whereabouts, and he can't say that he likes it. It does make his job of secretly protecting Camelot a lot harder when everyone suddenly wants to know where you're going or where you've been. It also makes it much harder to hide the dark circles under his eyes, or the paleness of his skin. As the days went on, Merlin seemed to get worse and the knights could not figure out why. His constant jokes and comebacks were getting less and less frequent, and his eyes had become bloodshot. His eyes seemed much too dull for the joyful Merlin they all knew and loved, as well as his radiant grin that had been reduced down to a soft smile. Everyone was becoming increasingly worried, to say in the least.

Arthur came to the decision that the only way they would get Merlin to talk is if they cornered him. He can have nowhere to run to, no one to go see, and no excuse to give; that only left one option. Arthur and the knights of the round table were all going on a hunting trip. Hunting being a loose term, as there would be very little hunting actually occurring on that trip, except to use for their suppers. Merlin, as expected, was none too pleased about the idea, but not for the reason that he usually is. He was afraid that if he fell asleep on the trip he would have another nightmare and everyone would see. Merlin hates when he is the center of attention, and if woke up screaming there is no doubt that he would be just that.

Arthur, Merlin, and the Knights all packed up their belongings for the next few days and set off into the woods. Usually the entertainment on this hunting trip was Merlin and Arthur's bickering, with the occasional tavern story from Gwaine. However, Merlin was much too tired to come up with witty remarks at the moment. His head was pounding, as it had been for the last few days, most likely from lack of sleep. He was tempted to take some remedies from Gauis' stash, but he didn't want to be caught and questioned about his ever present head pain.

Arthur and the Knights shared concerned looks as they rode silently into the forest, only stopping when the sun began to hang low. Arthur would have preferred to have gone further into the forest before stopping, but Merlin was becoming increasingly fidgety and it was worrying him. His bloodshot eyes were darting back and forth, and his hands and feet couldn't seem to stay still for more than a second.

"Merlin, do you need to relieve yourself? You've been fidgeting for the last half hour." Joked Arthur, hoping to get a rise out of him.

"I'm fine, sire." Answered Merlin monotonously.

Arthur furrowed his brows and looked back at the knights who seemed to be thinking the same thing he was.

"Let's stop here for the night." Said Arthur as he stopped and dismounted his horse. Without a word of complaint, Merlin did the same. As he started to set up the camp and went out to collect wood for the fire, Arthur turned to the Knights.

"Okay, I can't take this anymore. We are going to find out what is going on with Merlin tonight."

All the Knights nodded in agreement.

"I don't think I've ever seen him so... solemn, sire." said Leon.

Arthur began to agree with him when Merlin returned from the woods, firewood in hand. They all watched as he set it up, started the fire, and cooked dinner. Throughout the night, all of the men tried their hardest to get Merlin to admit what was wrong with him, without directly asking of course, but nothing seemed to work.

"Merlin, what are the signs of someone who has a cold?" Asked Elyan.

"Runny nose, itchy throat, a slight fever. Why, Elyan, are you feeling alright?" Asked Merlin, who now seemed concerned for his friends health even as he himself was deteriorating in front of them.

"I'm alright, I was just wondering. For future reference, I mean." Replied Elyan, discouraged that he had not solved the mystery.

"Are you sure? I can go gather some herbs to make you a remedy if you wish."

The men all felt their hearts twist in pain and sympathy as their friend who was clearly suffering himself, was going out of his way to make sure everyone else was alright.

"No thank you, Merlin, I am in perfect health." Said Elyan smiling softly at his friend.

Merlin, who was still too exhausted to notice the real reason for this hunting trip, decided that he would try and go to sleep. It was risky, but he hadn't slept in two days and he feared that if he didn't soon he would collapse. Who knows, maybe he would get lucky and have a dreamless sleep tonight.

Clearing his throat, Merlin got up and moved to his bed roll.

"I think I'm going to turn in for the night, if that's alright."

"It's quite alright Merlin, we'll see you in the morning." Replied Arthur.

The minute Merlin started snoring, the Knights all looked at each other, defeated.

"I suppose we just try again in the morning. We can't go back until we get it out of him, he keeps getting worse and worse." Gwaine looked pained as he said this. Nodding his head in solemn agreement, Arthur replied,

" You're right. I don't know what it is, but I fear we will have to be much more direct tomorrow. Merlin doesn't seem like the type to share his feelings, I'm afraid."

The men all went to their respective bed rolls and bid their good nights, drifting off into sleep, only to be awoken a few hours later by Percival shaking them.

"You all need to see this. I think I've figured out what's wrong with Merlin."

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