Chapter 4

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The trek to the bandits lair was unpleasant, to say the least. They all had their hands tied up and attached to horses, so they were forced to walk or be dragged along until they arrived. The long trek back to the bandits lair, however, was suspicious. Glancing around, Merlin could tell that the Knights were all thinking the same thing he was- this was not some random attack. This was planned. They spent almost a whole day walking, without stopping for food or water. The Knights kept looking back at Merlin, his less than satisfactory mental health still fresh on their minds, but Merlin was only thinking of ways to save his King.

When they finally arrived , they were all thrown in a cold stone cell. The Knights all let their wrists be chained to the wall because the bandits were holding a sword to Arthur's neck again, and then they chained Arthur up as well. However, they all looked confused as Merlin was led to the other side of the cell and they began putting his wrists in chains that hung from the ceiling instead of the wall.

"What are you doing?" Arthur said menacingly, but the slight shake in his voice gave away his concern.

"Boss' orders." The bandit who was chaining him up grunted. He tightened the chains so much that Merlin could barely stand on the floor.

"He's just a servant, let him go. He is of no use to you." Arthur tried to reason. The bandit just laughed and left, locking the cell behind him.

"Damn it," Gwaine muttered, "they must want information. Bandits always go for the servants first."

Merlin cracked a smile, trying to lighten the mood, "Don't worry, the only information I'll be telling them is how ungodly loud Arthur snores."

Lamcelot choked out a laugh, but the rest of them looked deep in thought.

"We have to think of a way to-" Leon was cut off by a tall blonde man walking into the cell. Merlin felt his heart stop in his chest, and he knew all the Knights heard how his breath caught by the way they looked at him. Merlin was frozen in shock; how was he here? He should have been dead! And then, with a sinking feeling in his gut, Merlin knew that they were right about this being a planned attack. They were just wrong about the target- it wasn't Arthur, it was Merlin.

"Hello, Merlin. It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Merlin looked at the man carefully.

"Hello, Sam. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Sarcasm dropped off of his every word, and apparently Sam wasn't a fan of sarcasm, judging by the snarl that had taken over his face.

"Don't you talk to me like that, freak." He spat at Merlin, "You remember what happens when I get angry."

Merlin refused to show weakness or fear as he held Sams stare.

"All too well. Why don't you let my friends go, Sam? And then we can have a nice little chat, just like old times."

Sam laughed, a full bellied, eyes closed, laugh.

"Friends? You think these knights of Camelot are your friends? You really are more stupid than I thought. You're just a poor bastard that lucked his way into a job with the King."

Arthur decided that he had heard enough; he was smart enough to recognize that Merlin was in danger and he needed to get him out of here.

"Please, just let my servant go, he knows nothing about Camelot that would be of any importance to you." He pleaded.

"You really are stupid, aren't you King Arthur?" Snarled Sam, "I don't want information on Camelot. I just wanted Merlin. Getting you and the Knights was just a plus."

"And what is it that you want with him?" Demanded Arthur.

"I want revenge."

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