Chapter 7

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"Hello, Emrys." Morgana smiled, a sick kind of amusement taking over her face. She stalked closer, stepping in to the dim light of the dungeon. Her hair was matted and tangled- the luxury of a hairbrush seemed to be out of her reach. The black dress she wore clung to her body like smoke to a fire, making her seem much more pale and ghostly than the royal purples and reds she used to wear. Tilting her head, she looked Merlin up and down, her voice coming out so sickly sweet that he was almost reminded of a time when she wasn't evil. 

 "I can't believe I  feared you for so long, only to discover my supposed doom is a mere servant. I should have killed you when I had the chance." Her smile turned to a scowl as sneered.

"Well, then we wouldn't have had all of those good memories, would we?" Asked Merlin, sarcasm dripping off of his tongue like honey. 

"They were more pleasant for me than for you, I'm sure. The blind loyalty you seem to have for Arthur caused you to turn on me, and I couldn't let that go unpunished. Your betrayal cut deep, and I wanted to cut you deeper." 

"Then cut me, bitch." 

Merlin felt like he was on a high as he taunted Morgana. Finally being able to show who he truly was and not have to play the weak, idiotic servant was exhilarating. He felt his magic tingle beneath his skin, just waiting to burst free. He had never been able to use it so freely, so recklessly. Even he wasn't sure just how strong his magic was, but he was about to find out. Merlin raised his hand to the side and the wall of the dungeon exploded. Bright sunlight streamed into the cell as the Knights all covered their eyes, not used to it yet after being in a dark dungeon for days. Knowing that they were probably in too much shock to do anything, Merlin used his magic to pick up his friends and place them by some trees, far enough away where they hopefully wouldn't be injured. 

"Let's take this outside like civilized people, shall we?"

Merlin was suddenly blasted back into the clearing, not expecting Morgana to attack so soon. The Knights all screamed, but Merlin just laughed and got back up. 

Here we go. He thought. 

Arthur, Gwaine, Leon, Percival, Lancelot, and Elyan all watched as Merlin and Morgana fired spell after spell with awe. Merlin, they're clumsy, goofy friend had magic. And powerful magic at that! He was much faster than Morgana, he didn't even seem to be saying any spells like she was. How can one do magic without spells? After sitting in a state of shock for a moment, they realized that they were Knights of Camelot and they needed to step up and take action. Gathering their stolen swords, they were about to charge on Morgana and help Merlin when cries rang out around them. Merlin's turned his head to see an army of Morgana's followers charging them from the trees. 

Swords clashed and battle cries were yelled, as the fight for the throne intensified. However, Merlin was distracted. Morgana had managed to hit him with a few spells, and they both knew it was because he was worried about Arthur. Morgana's men greatly outnumbered them, and there was no way they could beat them. Seeing his moment of weakness, Morgana decided to take things one step further. 

"Aithusa! Attack!" 

A sickly looking white dragon, the dragon Merlin recognized with great sadness as the one he hatched, flew above them and began to attack. The Knights started screaming, but Merlin got a determined look in his eye. Blasting Morgana backwards with all he had, she went sailing into the trees and gave him just enough time to stop the dragon. 

"Obpugnantes ergo illi!" he spoke, with a voice deeper and more powerful than anyone thought possible for him. The dragon immediately stopped what she was doing and retreated, letting out a pained roar before she disappeared. Everyone had stopped to look at him, some in fear and some in awe. He then knelt to the ground, whispered some words in the old language, and smacked the ground with his fist. To everyone's surprise, the ground responded, rumbling and shaking beneath them. Trees started to fall on Morgana's men, as Arthur and the rest of Camelot's Knights scrambled out of the way. 

"It's not possible. You cannot be a warlock and a Dragonlord!" Morgana's voice shook as she stumbled back into the clearing they were fighting in. 

"I am not simply a warlock and a Dragonlord, Morgana." Merlin said fiercely, "I am the most powerful warlock to ever walk the Earth. And I also happen to be the last living Dragonlord." 

And with that, Merlin raised his head to the sky and roared with a voice that shook with pure power. 

"O drakon, e mala soi ftengometh tesd'hup anankes! Erkheo."

Within moments, powerful wings could be heard flapping towards them, and a great roar sounded in the sky. 

"No." Whispered Morgana, terror filling her voice.

"No way." Whispered Arthur, now realizing that he never killed the Great Dragon.

"This is so cool." Whispered Gwaine, a smile taking over his face. 

Everyone stood back and watched as the Great Dragon swooped in and landed right behind Merlin, whose eyes were already glowing a dangerous gold. 

"I will give you one last chance Morgana. I take no pleasure in killing. Give yourself over to Camelot, and spend the rest of your life in the dungeon, making amends for what you have done." 

Morgana knew that she was finished- Emrys had defeated her. She was a fool for thinking she could be more powerful than him, when her destiny had been set in the stars long before she was even born. Emrys would be her doom.

But he would not be her murderer. 

"Never." She said strongly, and before anyone could react she had plunged her own dagger into her chest. 

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