Chapter 9

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Merlin and his friends talked for hours that night. They were all captivated by Merlin's heroic tales and amazed at how many times he had saved them. Slowly, they all came to realize that they would never truly know how much Merlin had done for them- there were too many times to count. Too many selfless acts to remember. As morning neared and the sun began to rise from its resting place, so did the Knights of Camelot. They packed up their things and were about to head off, when Merlin suddenly froze.

"What's wrong?" Asked Arthur, his voice serious.

Merlin closed his eyes, trying to concentrate.

"I feel magic. Strong magic."

Alarmed, all of the Knights grabbed their swords and prepared to fight.

"No! Not bad magic." Merlin said, urging them to put their swords away. "It's strong, but it's pure. The purest I've ever felt. I think it's calling out to me."

Merlin could feel his own magic tugging underneath his skin, desperately trying to reach out to the foreign magic. Although, it didn't feel foreign; it felt oddly familiar. Suddenly Merlin set off, following the magic to wherever it may lead.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Yelled Arthur as he and all of the Knights raced to catch up to him.

"I think I'm meant to follow the magic!" Yelled Merlin.

Walking faster and faster until he was almost running, Merlin followed the magic until he finally reached the end of the so called rope. Looking around, he realized where it had led him with.
The Lake of Avalon.
Many emotions filled him at the sight of the lake, but he didn't try to hide them this time when his friends caught up to him. The time for hiding was over.

"What's going on?" Said Gwaine, slightly worried about the look on Merlin's face.

"I followed the magic. This is where it ends."

"No, young warlock, this is where it begins."

All of the men snapped their heads around at the sound of a voice to see the most beautiful woman they'd ever laid eyes on. She was bathed in a white glow, and seemed to be floating a couple of inches off the ground. Merlin, realizing who she was, immediately knelt down into a bow. The rest of his friends just stood there staring.

"Merlin, who is this? Why are you bowing? You should only bow to your king, you know." Said Arthur sounding irritated.

"You should all be bowing." Merlin mumbled, "She is the queen of everything. This is the Triple Goddess."

With slack jaws and looks of shock on their face, the Knights all began to take a knee and bow their head in respect.

"Thank you. Although there is no need for you to bow to me Merlin, we are kin after all." The Triple Goddess started in her sing-songy voice.

Raising his eyebrows, Merlin glanced up at her.

"Kin?" He asked, confused.

"We were both born of magic Merlin, only you were granted a mortal life while I was granted a spiritual one. Though one day you may choose to join me here, if you so please. Now rise, brother, and tell your friends to rise as well."

Astonished and bewildered,  Merlin rose to his feet with his friends. He was kin to the Triple Goddess herself? He couldn't seem to wrap his head around it.

"Why have you lead Merlin here?" Asked Arthur gruffly. Leave it to Arthur to always see everyone as a threat. Merlin shot Arthur an annoyed look, while Arthur just shrugged in return. He could be so protective sometimes- although Merlin would be lying if he didn't say he appreciated it.

"Merlin has completed his destiny, and in return I must give him something back that I took long ago."

Confused, Merlin glances at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Years ago, you were on the path to your destiny and you were doing well. However, something distracted you, and even though you deserved happiness it would have ruined everything. Your destiny would never have been fulfilled, and neither would have Arthur's. So, I took it away." Said the Triple Goddess sadly, regret filling her voice. "I should have thought of another way, and I do regret taking her. But at least now I can give her back to you."

The Knights were all still confused, but Merlin looked dangerously close to either sobbing uncontrollably or killing someone.

"Did you say....did you say her?" He asked with a wobbly voice.

Glancing at the ground and sighing, the Triple Goddess said, "Yes. Freya."

"Merlin? Are you okay?" Asked Lamcelot softly. They all noticed how he had started shaking.

"What the hell do you mean you took Freya away from me?" He said angrily.

The Triple Goddess looked ashamed but Merlin's friends looked downright scared.

"Merlin, you can't talk to the Triple Goddess like that!" Hissed Arthur, but Merlin held his stare.

"You were going to run away with her. Away from Camelot. I could not let that happen." She replied.

"That would have been my choice. My right." Merlin said through gritted teeth.

"I know, but I was afraid you would abandon your destiny, abandon Arthur."

"I would never abandon Arthur!" Screamed Merlin, "I may not have been living in Camelot anymore but I could still protect it! Protect him!"

"I understand that now. That is why I am going to right the wrong that I made so many years ago, and give her back to you."

Caught somewhere between gratitude and anger, Merlin failed to remember his friends standing there watching it all. Out of all the tales Merlin had told them last night, he had conveniently left Freya out. It was painful for him to talk about her, or about how she died.

"You were going to leave Camelot?" Asked Arthur in a small voice. Merlin knew that by leave Camelot, he meant leave him.

Sighing, Merlin turned to look at his friends. He opened his mouth to explain, but found that he was unable to spit out the words. His throat clogged with unshed tears and he furrowed his eyebrows in frustration as he cleared his throat. Suddenly, feeling a light touch on his shoulder, the Triple Goddess spoke.

"Let me help you, brother, it's the least I can do."

And then suddenly Arthur and the Knights were not at the lake of Avalon anymore. Instead, they were looking at a scared girl trapped in a cage. They saw Merlin free her from her prison, and steal Arthur's food to give to her. They saw him fall in love with her, and her with him. They saw her curse, and how it killed her in the end. And they saw the funeral Merlin have her at the Lake if Avalon.
Arthur and the Knights were suddenly brought back to reality with Merlin clucking at them like a mother hen.

"What's going on? Are you lot alright? Why aren't any of you answering me- what are you looking at? Damn it, someone say something!"

Arthur raised his head and looked at Merlin, sadness and pain filling his eyes. With a sniffle, Arthur realized he was crying and quickly wiped his face. He didn't seem to be the only one with tears though; sniffles were heard from all of his Knights.

" never told me. You had to give her a funeral by yourself and you never even told me. God I can't even imagine." Arthur cried.

"I'm sorry." Said Merlin looking at the ground.

"Sorry?! You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. I am sorry for making you feel like you couldn't talk to me. To any of us."

And then Merlin was wrapped in the biggest group hug he's ever had the pleasure of being a part of.

Lost in the moment, Merlin didn't even realize when he another pair of arms wrapped around him. But his friends did, and they all pulled away, except for her. Looking up, Merlin saw her.


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