Chapter 12

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"You have been a King all this time, and you never thought to tell me! You were my servant! I had a bloody King as my servant! Oh God, I need to sit down." 

Arthur collapsed into his chair, his legs seeming to be unable to support him at the moment. He was in shock, absolute shock. Not only was Merlin, his most trusted, loyal, and formerly peasant friend, a King,but his servant whom he had ordered around and teased for years was a King! And the King of the Druids, at that! He was still trying to get used to the idea that Merlin was the most powerful warlock alive, and now he was royalty?!

Running his hands through his hair, Arthur's head was filled with thoughts firing at a million miles a second. Merlin noticed this, and tried his best to calm him down.

"Arthur I swear, I'm not a real King. I'm not royal, like you, I have no noble blood! Well, actually my father was a Dragonlord so technically I do have some noble blood, but my mother was a peasant! I am only called the King of the Druids because they are a magic community, and I, well, am magic. I've never actually led them like you lead your people, or made decisions for them or anything." 

"Well..." Freya said softly.

Merlin groaned and Arthur's head shot up.

"What? What is it?" He demanded. Arthur knew that there had to be more to the story than Merlin let on, he always downplayed his achievements he had come to realize. One can't simply be King of a people and never actually lead them. 

"There has been a few times where you gave them instruction. Isn't that technically leading them?"

"When have I every given them instruction?" Asked Merlin incredulously.

"You told them to try and help Morgana control her magic. And you told them to trust in Arthur as the Once and Future King. They were small requests, but they did them without question because they respect you." Explained Freya, "Oh! They helped Camelot fight against Morgana when she tried to take over the kingdom. You can't possibly think they did that for Arthur, Merlin." 

"Of course they respect me, they were probably afraid of my powers. I am in no way their leader." Argued Merlin.

"Stop." Said Arthur, raising his hand. "I have heard enough. Merlin, clearly you do not see yourself as their King, but more as a figurehead. However, Freya believes that the Druids see you as their leader, and need I remind you that Freya is a druid herself." 

"Of course I know my girlfriend is a druid." Mumbled Merlin grumpily, causing Freya to blush and hid her smile in Merlin's shoulder. 

"So that leaves you with a very important decision to make. " Arthur seemed to have gotten over his initial shock as he looked at his best friend with a serious expression. "When the Druids are absorbed into Camelot as citizens, who will be their King, me or you?"

Merlin laughed outright, thinking that it was a joke, and then when he realized no one else was laughing he looked at Arthur as if he were crazy. 

"Are you mad?" He exclaimed.

"I am practical. Merlin even if I am the King, the Druids will always listen to your word over mine. I am not saying that they should not be a part of Camelot, I am asking if you would like to rule them alongside me as I rule the rest of the citizens." 

Merlin shook his head aggressively.

"No. I have no desire to be a King. Yesterday I was a servant, can't I go back to doing that?" 

"No, you cannot." Arthur said, smiling despite himself. "You really don't want to be King?"

"No." Merlin said once more.

"If I may," Said Freya shyly, "I might have a solution."

"Of course, Freya, go ahead." Said Arthur, gesturing for her to continue.

"The Druids trust Merlin, so as long as they know that Merlin agrees with whatever you do, my lord, they will accept it. All he has to do is simply stand with you, and your authority as King will never be questioned." 

"Now that I can do." Said Merlin with a relieved breath.

Arthur was clearly relieved as well. Though he had to give Merlin the option, he really didn't think two Kings would work. This was a far better solution, and Merlin could continue to just be his Royal Advisory. Also, though he was ashamed to admit it, Arthur didn't really fancy having to share his power with anyone other than Guinevere. 

"Then it is settled. I believe this meeting has served its purpose, please gather everyone who holds a position in the royal court for an announcement." Arthur said to his servants. 

Once everyone was settled, Arthur rose from his place at the throne while Guinevere stayed seated.

"Although all of you are already aware, this royal decree serves to make it official. Magic will be allowed in Camelot once more, and will be judged under the laws of any other weapon if legal matters need be arisen. Merlin will be my Royal Advisory from here and until death, and he will also lead the transition of the Druids being absorbed into Camelot as citizens. Freya, as a druid, do you accept this proposition on behalf of your people?"

"I do." She stated proudly, smiling at Merlin.

"Then it is done. That will be all, thank you." 

"Long live the King!" Everyone shouted, and then the room dispersed. 

Merlin and Freya were talking and staring lovingly into each others eyes, when Arthur and Guinevere approached them. Arthur couldn't help but smile at how happy his friend looked. 

"If you are both ready, I believe your new chambers are quite close to ours. We can show you if you'd like, since my guards are apparently incompetent." Arthur informed them jokingly.

"That would be lovely." Said Freya.

The couple walked to their new rooms, hand in hand, and marveled at the size and decor. 

"Arthur, this is ridiculous. I don't need all of this space." Argued Merlin.

"Shut up, Merlin. For once just say thank you and move on." Smiled Arthur.

"Thank you." Mumbled Merlin.

"What was that?" Said Arthur, putting his hand to his ear.

"You know damn well what I said." Laughed Merlin.

"My Lord, this room is amazing!" Said Freya, running into Merlin's room from her own with a laughing Guinevere trailing behind her.

"Well, I wouldn't get too comfortable in it." Said Merlin.

"And why is that?" Said Freya, crossing her arms and looking at him sternly.

"Because when we get married you'll be moving in to my room, obviously." Stated Merlin.

The whole room stilled, and Freya felt tears of happiness fill her eyes. Arthur and Guinevere could hardly believe what they just heard. 

"Married?" She whispered. 

"Well, of course." Said Merlin, "But don't think this is a marriage proposal! No, that would be downright pathetic. When I propose to you, it will be special. There will be flowers, musical instruments, maybe a few dragons." 

"Oh, shut up!" Laughed Freya, still grinning like a mad woman. "Whose to say I will move in to your room? You haven't even seen mine yet, maybe you'll move in with me." 

Merlin laughed and put his arms around Freya.

"Whatever you want, my love." 

"I never thought I would see the day. Merlin is actually capable of being romantic!" Arthur exclaimed, looking at his wife.

Guinevere giggled, and Merlin looked offended. 

"Of course I can be romantic you clot pole." 

"Hey, I am not a clot pole! You idiot."


"Dollop head."

"Hey, that's my word!" 

MerlinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora