Chapter 10

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"Hello, Merlin."

Without wasting a second, Merlin threw his arms around Freya and kissed her passionately. She kissed him back with just as much force, and they both heard Merlin's friends wolf whistling and cheering them on in the background. 

"I can't believe it. I can't believe you're here." Said Merlin breathlessly, staring in to her gorgeous eyes. Were they always this gorgeous?

"It's a dream come true." She whispered with a soft smile. 

They both stood there for a while, holding each other and looking into each others eyes. Merlin could not describe the happiness he felt at that moment. Never in a million years had he thought there was a chance Freya could come back. He couldn't even find it in himself to be angry at the Triple Goddess anymore, who had already disappeared. 

"Are you going to introduce us to your friend, Merlin, or are you going to stare at her all day?"

Tearing his eyes away from his love, Merlin glanced at Gwaine and laughed. 

"Guys, this is Freya. Freya, this is Gwaine, Lancelot, Percival, Elyan, Leon, and King Arthur."

With wide eyes, Freya turned towards King Arthur and bowed deeply.

"My Lord." She said nervously.

"There is no need for that." Said the King with a smile, "You may call me Arthur. Any friend of Merlin's is a friend of mine." 

Suddenly, Arthur frowned and looked troubled. 

"I would like to offer my apologies, Freya, for our last.... encounter."

"It is quite alright." She said, waving her hand, "You didn't know it was me. You were only trying to protect you're people."

"I, for one, cannot believe Merlin managed to get such a beautiful maiden to fall in love with him." Gwaine chimed in, flirty as ever.

Merlin glared at him, and Freya giggled.

"I can't believe I managed to find someone as wonderful as Merlin." Freya looked at him lovingly. "He is so sweet, caring, brave, and incredibly handsome."

Merlin turned a dangerous shade of red as all of his friends laughed at him. They decided to give the couple some alone time to catch up, as they all went and gathered food and firewood to set up camp for the night. Merlin would never have to do that again as long as he lived, Arthur had decided. Merlin didn't know it yet, but he was going to get a place in the royal court. And he would be treated as a hero, because he was one.  

In the morning, they all set off for Camelot and reached it by midday. Royal guards and loyal knights came rushing out to ensure the King was alright.

"My lord! We have been scouring the lands for you! We feared that you had been taken hostage, or killed."

"I was taken hostage. By Morgana, no less." Arthur replied.

The poor guards looked like they were about to faint.

"How did you escape her, my lord?"

"Merlin saved us." He said, walking up the steps to the castle.

The guards laughed.

"Funny, my lord. It is a good sign you are still able to make jokes."

Arthur turned around, his face serious.

"I am not joking. Merlin saved us all, the whole kingdom in fact, and you should be eternally grateful. I would like you to find some servants to prepare him and his maiden a room next to each other, and treat him as you would any noble."

"B-but, my lord, he is just a servant." Said the guard, confused.

"He is a hero, and he will never again be my, or anyone else's, servant. " Arthur growled, and then stormed off to his chambers, asking a random servant to draw him a bath on his way.

The Knights of the Round Table heard the conversation and nodded in approval, glaring at the two guards on their way in. Merlin, however, was too occupied with Freya. They walked in shortly after everyone else, and Merlin led her to his (soon to be old) chambers. 

"Hello, Gaius." Grinned Merlin, as Gaius turned around and smiled back.

Hello, Merlin, and welcome back! I expect you have saved us all once agai- Merlin! Who is this young lady?" Gaius exclaimed.

"Gaius, this is Freya. Freya, this is Gaius, the Court Physician and a close family friend." 

Gaius looked back and forth between Merlin and Freya with wide eyes. It was quite amusing, Merlin noted, as he looked like a deer caught by hunters. 

"Freya is the druid girl whom I helped escape from the witch hunter."

"The one you.... fell in love with?" Asked Gaius incredulously, "The one who died?"

"Yes. There is quite a lot to catch you up on." 

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