Chapter 6

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    Merlin felt himself start to shake in fear, but he kept his face expressionless. He has faced evil witches and magical creatures of all kinds, a little old fashioned torture isn't going to be the thing that takes him down. Of course, his friends didn't know about all of the horrors he's faced so it's only natural that they would be scared out of their minds at the moment. 

"Hey! What do you think your doing with all of that?" yelled Elyan trying to sound angry, but his voice shook slightly, giving him away. 

"I'm giving Merlin here a little demonstration." Stated Sam as he turned to face him, "You have no idea what kind of pain I have known because of you. My life was ruined, taken away from me, all because you were too weak to take what you had coming for you." 

"That was not Merlin's fault! You were the one who tried to kill him!" Exclaimed Arthur angrily.

"You cannot blame Merlin for the decision of the whole village." Said Leon, trying to rationalize with Sam. 

    Merlin grimaced as Sam chuckled. 

"I was only giving him what he deserved."

"For what it's worth, I told them not to send you out to those Knights, Sam." Said Merlin tiredly. 

    The Knights all looked at him in disbelief, and even Sam looked a little shocked. 

"What are you talking about? Of course you told them to send me out, to get rid of me!"

    Merlin sighed, closing his eyes.

"No, you left me in the middle of the street beat nearly to death. A couple found me and told the rest of the village. They may not have been fond of me, but they don't tolerate such blatant violence. I told them to let you stay and make amends, but the rest of them decided to send you out. I had nothing to do with it."

    Sam looked a little shocked, but before anyone could react he was back to looking like an angry toad. 

"It doesn't matter, you are still the reason I was sent out. And you will get what's coming to you." He said, storming out of the cell. He must have forgotten he had come in there to torture Merlin- at least he had until tomorrow to rest before the pain started back up again.

"Merlin, " Said Leon softly, "you are the most pure hearted person I think I have ever met."

    Merlin shook his head in disagreement, still feeling too vulnerable to meet anyone's eyes. 

"He has no sense of self-preservation. He's selfish, is what he is." 

    Everyone's head snapped up to look at Lancelot in disbelief. Merlin looked hurt, but he was trying to mask it.

"I have seen you put your own life in danger time and time again, with no regard for your own life. Have you ever thought of how it would affect the people that care about you?" Said Lancelot, his eyes blazing with an anger none of them had expected. 

    Now, though, he had made Merlin angry which they all expected even less.

"Are you joking?" said Merlin, angrily yanking on his chains despite the pain, "You know why I put my life on the line. I've told you of my destiny. If I have to die for Albion to live then so be it." 

"You put yourself in danger unnecessarily!" countered Lancelot, "What about that time you told Uther that you were the sorcerer who healed Gwen's father? There were other ways to prove her innocence, but you immediately put your life on the line. "

    Merlin clenched his jaw in anger, but Arthur interrupted before he could say anything else.

"I wouldn't have let her die, even if she was the one who healed him." 

    Merlin started at him in disbelief, and felt his heart pound dangerously in his chest. 

"You would....protect a sorcerer?" He whispered.

"She was only trying to heal her father. I see no harm in using magic if it is used for good."

    The Knights all stared at Arthur in disbelief, and one by one they all started to smile. Merlin felt tears pool in his eyes. He honestly thought this day would never come. 

"I agree, sire. I see no problem in magic being used for good. The druids took me in when I was younger, and they were a peaceful people." Commented Percival.

"Merlin? Are you alright?" asked Arthur worriedly as he saw a tear run down Merlin's face.

    Lancelot gave him a knowing smile, their argument seemingly forgotten for the moment.

"I just never thought this day would come." he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. The Knights were all concerned, they had never seem Merlin cry before. Arthur had only seen him cry the one time, after the Dragonlord died. "Arthur......if you found out someone you knew had magic, hypothetically, would they be executed?"

    Arthur's eyes went wide. There was no way, he thought, no way Merlin could have magic! Wouldn't he know?

"Not if they were using it for noble purposes." Arthur whispered after a moment of silence.

"And if they could help break us out of here?" Asked Merlin, his voice shaking.

"Well, we'd be stupid to say no." Said Arthur, and Gwaine laughed out loud.

    The Knights all ceased their chuckling when they heard footsteps approaching the cell. Merlin took a deep breath as Sam's face became visible. This was it. This was his chance to finally reveal himself. He had Arthur's blessing, more or less, and that is all that he's ever wanted; but he needed to wait for the perfect moment. He didn't want to be forced to seriously injure or kill Sam.

"Well, today is your lucky day lads. It seems you're all getting out of here! Except Merlin, of course, he is mine."

"You're just going to let us go?" Asked Gwaine incredulously. 

    Sam laughed.

"Of course not! A witch by the name of Morgana Penndragon has asked for you, and is going to pay me handsomely for all of you. Specifically, the King." 

    Arthur and the Knights all sucked in a sharp breath in fear, but Merlin only smirked. No need to act weak and scared now, he guessed. 

"Well, that is a nice plan. It's a shame it won't work out."

    Sam turned to look at him, amusement in his eyes.

"And why won't it?"

"Because," Merlin smiled "I won't let it." 

    Merlin's eyes flashed gold and suddenly everyone's restraints were unlocked. The Knights scrambled to their feet, looking at Merlin in astonishment. Sam was clearly shocked, and picked up a small dagger looking threatened. He threw it at Merlin, but Merlin simply held his hand up and the dagger stopped in midair, inches away from his face. 

"H-how did you do that? You didn't even say a spell!" exclaimed Sam in fear.

"I don't need spells. I was born of magic, been doing it since I was born." said Merlin stalking close.

"But that would You're Emrys? You are Morgana's doom?" Asked Sam in disbelief.

    Merlin smiled and bowed mockingly.

"At your service."

    Sam turned on his heel and ran out in fear. The Knights were still staring at him, and Arthur looked ready to say something, but a chillingly familiar voice interrupted him. 

"Well, it seems I won't need to look for you any longer, will I?"

    Merlin's eyes turned cold and he turned to face the new threat.


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