7K SPECIAL! Malik and Alethea: Love is love is love is love

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Malethea again - you're welcome! This chapter is SHORT so we apologize. At least it's a fairly early update!!!


*katlyn, still mumbling*



Approximately a year ago, Alternate Universe

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Approximately a year ago, Alternate Universe

The world is on fire and I am burning in a pit of lava because that is love - forever burning your soul in eternal hell.

(Okay, so my metaphors need some work.)

Love isn't how I imagined it - it's not fireworks or stars or touching the whole universe and feeling infinite, but it's still loved all the same. It's just happiness and light and the feeling that if you fell you would keep falling forever and ever and ever.

Because if you trip over backward, it's like the fragile grip you have on the world will shatter and you will go falling falling falling down.

"Poetry has never been your strong suit," admitted Malik as he flipped the page of my journal. He was lying on my bed (fully clothed, for all you perverts who are wondering.) 

I blushed and fidgeted, sitting on the very edge of the bed, as far away from Malik as possible. "Hey - if you don't like it, you don't have to read it," I protested, reaching for my book.

"Oh no, I'm enjoying this," he said with a smirk, yanking my journal back. "Do you talk about a boy with golden hair and perfect ice blue eyes?"

How did he figure that out so fast? "N-no," I stammered, trying to grab my notebook. 

Malik leapt off the bed in one swift and graceful movement, raising my poetry journal high above his head. "Are you sure?" He skimmed through the pages. 

"Give that back!" I shrieked, jumping off the bed and reaching for the book, but Malik was far taller than me. Curse his tallness.

Even if it makes him hot.

Wait. What.

"'A knight in shining armor approaches, his golden hair peeking out from underneath his helmet like the sun through the clouds. His smile was enough to make thousands of girls swoon. His icy blue eyes glimmered from beneath his mask... if only he would let the girl see him," Malik read, smirking even harder. "Thea, do you really think I'm that beautiful?

"Give that back!" I said, stamping my foot and turning red.

"'She smiled at him, for beneath his mask she knew he loved her. And yet... the world was on the tip of their fingers, the stars seemed to hover in the sky just for them, and the breeze seemed to run through their hair like it was theirs to control, but he still wouldn't let her see him. Was she not enough? They parted ways, forever lost to each other.

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