First time seeing him

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Just in case you don't know:

(y/n) = your name; (l/n) = last name

(f/n) = friend's name; (f/c) = favorite color

(e/c) = eye color; (h/c) = hair color

POV = Point of view

On to the book! (/*^*)/ ~--------------------~

 "(Y/n) wake up! Breakfast is ready!" You hear your mother calling you from downstairs.

"But its so early."

You whine, trying to go back to sleep since you stayed up until 3 am in the morning playing Call of Duty in your room. As your door swings open. Your mother walks in opening the curtains letting the light shine in your room.

"Why don't you let some fresh air come in your room (y/n)" Your mother said, opening the window as you put the covers over your head going back to your slumber.

"Come on sweetie. Did you already forget? Today is time for you to go back to school."

Your mother said, trying to wake you up once more. You sat up yawning as you watch your mother walk out the door. You look at the time saying Monday, 6:00 am.

"School starts today. Ugh! I wish there was no school so I could play video games the whole time" You wine, standing up and walk toward your closet and took some clothes then towards the bathroom to shower.

After showering, you grab your bag and walk downstairs to the kitchen grabbing toast and looked at the time saying 6:50 am then walk to the front door.

"(Y/n)! What about your break fast? Are you giving it to your father." Your mother questioned.

"Yes mom!" you answered, opening the door and letting your father in. As usual, he came back home at 6:50 am.

"You're going to school sweetie", Your father asked, entering the house.

"Yes, dad. Well, I'm off!"

You said with a fake smile on your face. You walk out, closing the door behind you. You started walking to school listening to music then you heard your best friend (f/n) calling out to you. You stopped and turned around while pulling down your headphones seeing (f/n) running towards you. As she finally caught up with you.

"Morning (f/n)." you greeted in a bad mood.

"Morning (y/n)! You seem in a dump did you see BEN drowned or something", She said while giggling.

"No. I just hate waking up SO early." You whine with a small smile at your face. You both started to walk to school and talk about scary things together.

"Watch out!" You heard a boy shouted behind you as you turned around you saw a blonde haired boy dressed like Link from Zelda riding on a skateboard towards you at a very fast speed.

He crashed on you. You both fell to the ground and tried to get up. You looked at the boy for at the moment then blushed slightly.

"Get of me!" You said, pushing the boy off of you as another boy wearing a white hoody and black jeans on a skateboard pass by while saying "Loser!"

The boy who crashed on you. Stood up and grabbing his skateboard in the process "Hey! Wait up!" He shouts to the guy and riding off.

"Rude" You mumbled, standing up and brushing the dust off of you.

"You alright?" (f/n) asked, grabbing your bag for you.

"Yeah and thanks... Who are they anyways", You asked in a very bad mood.

"Maybe they're new? Though that boy that crashed you seem cute, do you like him? I saw you blush back there" (f/n) asked with a smirk on her face.

"No. I do not! Come on let's just go to school" You said with a shiver down your spine and grabbing your bag from her.

"I thought you hate school", Your friend asked, walking to school.

"I do. I just go there so my mother would let me play video games all night" You mumbled and continued walking to school with your best friend.  

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