Chapter 1 (edited)

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  • Dedicated to All Creepypasta Fans

A/N: Okay. I've decided to give you guys a sneak peek of my next story I'm going to write! My computer decided to break, so I have to type it on my tablet. So if there are any spelling mistakes, then that's why. It may take me a while to type up the whole story until I get a new computer. So, until then, enjoy the sneak peek!! :D


Hello there. I am Slenderman. Most of you know about me and if you don't...well, this story may be a tad confusing for you. But, here is my story of me and my three proxies...


One day, I was in my forest that people call "Slender Woods." It was an average day for me. The usual amount of stupid teenagers coming into my woods try to see if I'm real. Oh I'm real alright!

How I enjoy seeing the sheer terror on their faces as they watch me kill them one by one. Or seeing their faces distort in pure pain when I impale them into the branches of my trees. I love knowing that the human officers cannot figure out who or what is killing all these "innocent" people! ~laughs~ It's a wonderful feeling really.

Anyways... enough about me. As the day went on, a strange feeling came over me. Like, what happens when someone draws my symbol, the Operator Sign. I get drawn to it. But..this had nothing to do with my symbol. I would have instantly slender-walked to the poor victim. This feeling was...different.

I tried to ignore it, but it just grew stronger! My curiosity took over me, so I decided to allow myself to be drawn to whatever is calling me. Finally, I came upon a hospital. More like a mental hospital, really. Interesting.. I thought. I made my way carefully around the building, making sure no one sees me, searching to what I'm being drawn to.

I came across a small window. Inside, I heard a small boy, not older than six, talking to himself. I knelt down, as my height prevents me from standing straight up, to get a better look at what was going on. I saw that the boy was huddled in a corner, rocking back and forth, knees pulled right up against his chest with his arms wrapped around them.

He must've felt my presence, because he quickly whipped his head up and looked in my direction. His eyes widened, fear filling them. "W-who are y-you?" The child stuttered. But, since I lacked the proper facial features, I didn't reply back. Instead, I just knelt there, starring at him.

Then, right out of no where, the boy started coughing uncontrollably! I actually felt..concerned? This feeling surprised me, because I've never felt this way towards humans! I stood up and slender-walked into the boy's room, but I think I made it worse! He started screaming at me, "GET AWAY!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I then heard the pounding of footsteps of people running. I knew it was time to leave.

I took one last look at the boy before slender-walking back to my woods. 'That boy,' I thought, 'why am I being drawn to him..?' Since that day, I have been going back to the hospital, trying to figure out why I'm being called. But, every time, I get the same reaction; running and screaming. Like I get from every pathetic human who sees me.

But then one day, the strangest thing happened. He escaped from the hospital and runs straight into my woods! I don't believe he knew I lived there, though. And every time he came, the doctors and a few officers would find him an hour later and take him back. All I could really do was hide in the shadows, watching them carry him, dodging his flailing arms.

Surprisingly for me, I was tempted enough to attack the doctors and officers just for the way they were treating the poor boy! 'Next time,' I think, 'I will get them..'


Eventually, the days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. I haven't stopped watching him since, even when he stopped escaping to my forest (Yes, I know it sounds really creepy, but it's what I do. What can I say? I'm Slenderman!).

The boy grew older and I eventually learned that his name was Tim. As he grew older, his "disorders" (that's what his doctors called them), grew worse. He has this cough that comes about every hour or so. It starts minor at first, but then starts to grow into a horrible hacking cough! Especially when I'm near. Sometimes I swear I might see a lung come up or something.

A couple of times, I've noticed him spit, in between coughs, onto the ground beside him. It was blood. Once he got to the point of having seizures! Of course, the doctors heard his hacking cough and came running in just as he had collapsed into seizures. He had stopped sparing after a while and the doctors stood over him, with very concerned looks on their faces. I too was a bit concerned on what the hell just happened. I don't know why, but I guess I have started to grow attached to Tim (even though he's still a bit frightened at the sight of me..).

After about ten minutes or so, be began to stir. Tim slowly opened his eyes and just looked up at the doctors. Surprisingly enough, hate and anger filled his eyes. One of the doctors reached out to him, asking if he was alright. The next thing I know, Tim jumped up and threw a punch into the doctor's jaw! He stumbled back as Tim started to attack the others.

I was confused at first, because Tim's mood had changed so suddenly! One moment he was perfectly fine, then he started coughing, and now he's fighting the doctors. At one point during the fight, they got a hold of Tim, but he broke free and was soon kicking and punching again.

After a while, the doctors got tired of Tim's little "rampage" and one of them grabbed a syringe and jabbed it into Tim's arm. At first, it seemed like it wasn't working, because he was still moving as much as he was. But, after a few minutes passed, I began to notice that his movements began slowing down and he seemed to look tired. His punches became uncentered and he was off balance.

Tim eventually fell face first to the ground and none of the doctors ever bothered to catch him. That kind bothered me! Maybe because I was intrigued about his fight? I shrug.

I continue to watch through the window. One of the doctors, who has a swollen jaw and a black eye was glaring down at Tim. "Stupid psychotic kid!" The doctor spat. Tim, obviously, didn't reply back. The only movement he made was the rising and falling of his back, corresponding with his breathing.

"Someone strap him to the bed so this doesn't happen again.." The doctor said, irritated. He walked out without another word.

Sighing, two of the remaining doctors picked up the boy's sleeping, limp body, and carefully placed him on the bed. They then strapped leather binds to his wrists and ankles before walking out and closing the door.

After watching what just happened, I began considering what would happen if I made him my first proxy. All I could do was slender-walk back to my woods and think about what I just witnessed.


A/N: Well, this was a little harder to type on my tablet than it is on a computer, but I made it through!! ~clapping can be heard in the background~ Thank you, thank you.. :) Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of the sneek peek for my next story!! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment!! :D

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