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"Are you going to tell me what's different?" Bella asked.

It had been a few days since Jacob had started his own little pack. Leah was outside, running patrol and refusing to go anywhere near the Cullens unless she had no other choice. Seth was playing chess with Emmett.

"It's not important," Jacob mumbled. The doorbell rang and everyone froze. Nobody was expecting company.

Edward's head snapped up. Jasper licked his lips at the scent and Alice took his hand, pulling him up the stairs and further away from the newcomer. Bella furrowed her brow. "Who is it?"

"I don't know," Edward answered honestly.

Carlisle opened the door to see Eleanor standing there. Jacob couldn't see the door from where he sat, and strained to hear the conversation.

"Can I help you?" Carlisle asked politely. "Are you lost?"

Eleanor shook her head. Her voice was calm and polite despite the house full of vampires she was about to enter. "No, I'm not lost. Charlie said Jacob would be here."

Jacob's heart stopped when he heard her. His hands began shaking and it soon spread to the rest of his body, his entire frame quivering and threatening to come apart. He told her not to come. It was too dangerous. She should've stayed on the reservation. That was the only safe place anymore.

"Jacob," Edward spoke, his voice a warning.

"Jake, what is it?" Seth asked. He'd never seen Jacob so frustrated and angry and scared all at the same time.

Bella looked up in time to see Jacob practically run from the room. Carlisle was still talking with Eleanor at the door when he got there. Jacob wrapped a hand around Eleanor's arm and pulled her away from the house, still shaking violently and ignoring whatever Carlisle was trying to say to him.

"I told you not to come here!" Jacob roared.

"I told you not to make me!" Eleanor shouted back. "You haven't been home in days. What was I supposed to think? I can't call you every five minutes to make sure you're okay! I've been worried sick that you died and were left in a ditch somewhere!"

Jacob chuckled darkly. "Like that would happen. I know how to take care of myself!"

"Then why the hell haven't you called home?" Eleanor asked. Her fists were shaking in anger, though she was nowhere near the violent shaking Jacob had. She could see his body vibrating, trying to rip apart as he lost his temper.

"I'm trying to stop a war from happening!" Jacob yelled.

"I've been trying to hold myself together without you!"

Jacob's shaking slowed, but only for a moment before he remembered where they were and the danger she was in. "Go home, El."


The couple glared at each other, both seeing red. Jacob may have been the rightful chief and alpha, but Eleanor wasn't about to bow down to his every need or want. She'd taken care of herself her entire life. She could handle an angry werewolf just fine.

"You need to move," Jacob said through gritted teeth. For the first time in a long time, he didn't feel like he had control over himself. He could feel himself shaking apart against his will. "Now!"

Eleanor barely had enough time to back up before Jacob erupted into his wolf form. She cried out in surprise, falling back onto the ground. She'd never seen any of the wolves phase before, and she stared at the man she loved with wide eyes. She'd had so much confidence in his ability to control himself. Confidence that seemed futile now. She was frozen to her place in shock and horror with what had just happened.

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