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Eleanor didn't want to go back to Forks. She woke up in Jacob's arms, in their own bed, in their own home. Nobody else was there. More than that, nobody else was there who had supersonic hearing. She listened to Jacob's heartbeat and took comfort in the fact that it was all real. Eleanor smiled as memories from the day before came back to her. They'd spent the day in bed together, only leaving if it was necessary- such as for food and to use the bathroom. It was almost like nothing had happened, before all the drama with Bella coming home from her honeymoon, only it was better than before. Jacob and Eleanor were able to be together freely, just themselves, and without restrictions or responsibilities keeping them apart. Her heart fluttered as she remembered Jacob's arms and hands caressing her body, the way they fit together as if they were specifically designed to be together. Her cheeks flushed as she felt the ghost of his lips on hers. Every sensational feeling flowed over her body once more and she couldn't help the blush on her cheeks or the light giggle that escaped her lips.

"What are you laughing about?" Jacob's groggy voice broke through her thoughts. His arms tightened around her bare waist. She hadn't noticed him wake up.

Eleanor blushed and buried her face in his chest. Her voice was muffled. "Last night... wow."

Jacob chuckled. "Yeah. Wow."

"I didn't know it could be like that," Eleanor whispered. "Did you?"

Jacob shook his head. "No. It was incredible. I didn't know you were that flexible."

"Jacob!" Eleanor said loudly, hitting his chest and turning tomato red with embarrassment. Jacob's stomach gurgled before either of them said more. She smiled affectionately. "I'll get breakfast started."

Jacob hugged her tighter for a moment before kissing her. "I'll be there in a minute."

Eleanor climbed out of bed and pulled on the shirt Jacob had worn the day before. She stopped in the bathroom on her way to the kitchen before starting on scrambling eggs. She decided on making the whole dozen, knowing her new husband would likely be starving.

"Hey," Jacob walked in wearing a pair of shorts.

Eleanor looked him over, biting her lip on a blush as memories flooded her once more. "Hi."

"You're so beautiful," he breathed, looking her over. "You look so happy."

"I don't know if I could be happier," Eleanor admitted. She pushed the eggs around in the pan.

Jacob stood behind her, one arm around her waist and his chin resting on her head. His voice was almost regretful. "I hate to take that away."

Eleanor sighed and studied the eggs. "We have to go back, don't we?"

"Yeah," he whispered. "I need to see what's going on. With only three of us, it isn't fair to keep them out there."

Eleanor nodded in understanding. She was happy Jacob was finally admitted to having a pack of his own, but she found herself selfishly wishing he'd forget them for a little while longer. "I'll make some extra food for them. I know Leah gets picky."

"I'm going to run to Billy's and pick up some of our stuff," Jacob said. He pressed a kiss to her temple. "I won't be long."

"I love you," Eleanor told him. She flashed a small smile at him before he was out the door. Eleanor ate breakfast and got some food together for Seth and Leah before starting a shower. She was facing the water, her eyes closed, when arms wrapped around her from behind and caused her to jump. She squealed rather than screamed.

"Sorry!" Jacob said sheepishly, jumping back and letting her go. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just thought I'd join you for a minute."

Eleanor calmed her breathing and turned to look at him. She offered a tiny smile. "It's okay. Did you eat?"

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