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"Seth, run a patrol," Jacob said once everyone was awake again. "Leah needs a break."

"Why don't you do it?" Seth asked, almost rudely.

Jacob stared him down. "She'll be fine for a couple of hours without you. Two hours, then I'll take over for a while. Leah might not want to come in, but she can't be running by herself twenty-four seven."

Seth stared at Jacob for a moment longer before getting up and leaving. Bella was sleeping in Edward's arms and likely wouldn't wake up for a while- unless the monster growing inside her broke more of her bones. Jacob ran his fingers lightly through Eleanor's hair, noticing Jasper's stare every so often. He said nothing, trying not to worry Eleanor more than she already was.

"Jake, you should go," Eleanor whispered. "They won't hurt me. You know they won't break the treaty like that. Besides, Bella would hate to see you so upset. I can tell."

Edward nodded. "It's true."

Jacob stared down at his girl, his eyes full of concern and worry. "I'm not sure..."

"Go. I'll be fine," Eleanor promised. "It would make me feel better to know Seth isn't out there alone and upset. Please?"

Jacob sighed after a moment. "If I didn't like you so damn much- and you weren't my entire world... Fine. I won't be too long. You just yell for me if you need me."

"I promise," Eleanor said with a smile. She kissed his cheek and nose. "Don't worry about me. You'll be too distracted."

"Sure, sure," Jacob mumbled as he stood. He looked at Edward pointedly before leaving out the backdoor, following Seth into the trees. Eleanor wondered silently what that was about, having no knowledge of Edward's gift, until Jasper pulled her from her thoughts.

Jasper appeared in the room shortly after Jacob left, a book in hand. He stopped next to where Eleanor was seated. "Esme thought you might like this."

Eleanor looked up, curiosity in her eyes, and took the book from Jasper. He was careful not to let their fingers touch. She looked over the book. It appeared to be an original of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. She sat up more in her chair. "This is an original."

Jasper nodded. "Carlisle collects them. Esme has a few favorites but is willing to lend this to you while you stay."

"Jasper," Edward said quietly. Eleanor couldn't pick up the tone in his voice, but he sounded tense.

Jasper glanced at Edward before looking back down at Eleanor politely, waiting for her to speak.

Eleanor smiled. "This is really amazing. I'm not usually one for classics, but I actually really like this one. Tell her thank you for me? I haven't had the chance to meet her."

Jasper nodded. "Of course. If you finish that one, there are more upstairs."

Eleanor nodded in response. She delicately flipped through the book, afraid to damage the pages, and didn't notice Jasper leave silently. She looked up to speak to him and blinked when she was alone on her side of the room. Edward was still sitting with Bella, and Rosalie was standing behind them looking out the window.

"He went to find Alice," Edward spoke up, seeing the question in her thoughts.

"How-?" Eleanor began.

"I can read your thoughts," Edward admitted. "I'm surprised Jacob didn't tell you before."

"If I hadn't been attacked, I have a feeling I still wouldn't know about vampires," Eleanor said. She let out a quiet sigh. "He wants me as far from this world as possible, but he doesn't seem to understand that this is my world now, too. It's my world because it's his. We're a team... We're supposed to be a team."

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