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Days passed. Jacob talked with Leah and Seth about where they stood. Leah was reluctant to leave her brother, though she knew her mother was worried and needed the company. She finally agreed to go home, planning to check on Seth once a week. Jacob and Eleanor went home shortly after Leah and Jacob managed to work things through with Sam. That was when they discovered that the Alphas of different packs could communicate when it was truly necessary. The tension faded. Sam started spending more time with Emily and Jared finally had the chance to propose to Kim. So much was happening on the reservation that Eleanor didn't have a chance to really think about her new family. She'd occasionally send snacks for Seth when Leah went to check on him. She felt somewhat responsible for the kid and had to be sure he was at least eating something, though she was sure Esme was feeding him as well as she could.

Eleanor and Billy spent a little more time together. She thanked him for giving up the company of his son for her and learned that Sue was spending more and more time with Charlie. Not too long after Jacob and Eleanor went back to the reservation, Seth got so scared of the Cullens leaving and taking Renesmee with them that he told Charlie about being a wolf. Charlie freaked out at first, until he realized he could see Bella again and everything would be on a need-to-know basis. Jacob had freaked out about that. It had taken Eleanor hours to calm him down enough to come inside. He was too scared of hurting her or breaking something.

Christmas time rolled around and Eleanor learned of a new threat to her family. She didn't completely understand what was happening, but knew Jacob wasn't about to let her be anywhere near the danger that was coming. They spent Christmas with Billy, Rachel, and Paul. Everyone was surprised by the calm atmosphere. Rachel and Eleanor had both expected at least one of the wolves to explode.

"Paul," Jacob said. He sounded reluctant about what he was about to say. "I need you to do something for me."

Paul rolled his eyes. "What? I'm already doing you a favor and not tackling you now."

"Paul," Rachel chided.

"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important," Jacob almost snapped back. He looked down when Eleanor took his hand and squeezed hers gently before looking back at Paul. "I need you to watch Eleanor for me."

"Why?" Rachel asked. "Jake, what's going on?"

"There's some trouble with Nessie," Jacob answered. "Another one of the bloodsuckers saw her playing in the snow and reported it to the big guys from Italy. They need help. I won't put Eleanor in danger."

Paul nodded once, tightly. He may not have been Jacob's biggest fan, but he understood the need to protect an imprint. "Just come back. I don't do crying. And you know I can't go against Sam if he wants to get involved."

Eleanor forced a laugh. "Thanks, Paul. Great way to treat your family."

"We aren't family yet," Paul smirked.

Eleanor rolled her eyes. "We will be. You know that, right? Once you and Rachel get married- which is inevitable- we'll be family. You should get used to it."

"El," Jacob said. His voice held a quiet warning. Rachel and Paul may have done shopping for them and knew they were living together, but that didn't mean they knew every detail about why they were asked to do it. He was honestly surprised when Rachel didn't fight against him moving into the other house. Rachel had told him she'd move in with Paul when the time came. His father wasn't around much.

"It's true," Eleanor insisted. "We'll get married one day, and so will they. We'll all be family."

Jacob shrugged. "I guess. You can't expect us to get along like brothers, though. Not any more than we have before."

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