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"Is this her?" Eleanor asked with a small smile. Alice had decided on simply straightening the girl's hair to enhance her natural beauty. Eleanor had convinced her not to do any makeup and was surprised when Alice agreed after a short argument on the matter. She was now downstairs in the big open room she'd spent most her time in while at the vampires' home.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Rosalie asked, gazing down at the baby in her arms. 

The baby looked to be a few months old rather than born just the day before. It surprised Eleanor before she remembered how quickly the baby had grown before she was born. "She's so big."

Rosalie nodded. "Carlisle is trying to figure out why that is."

"Can I see her?" Eleanor asked politely. She sat in a chair near Rosalie, not incredibly confident at her ability to hold the child while standing.

Rosalie smiled. "As long as you're careful."

Eleanor nodded. She found it curious when Rosalie looked at the baby sternly and told her she wasn't to bite her new friends. Then the baby was in Eleanor's arms. Eleanor smiled. "Renesmee. You're so pretty."

The infant reached up, barely able to press her small hand to Eleanor's cheek. A gruesome image flashed through Eleanor's mind and she jumped back with surprise.

"It's how she communicates," Rosalie explained. "She's been asking for Bella."

"Is that what she showed me?" Eleanor asked.

Rosalie shrugged. "It's just what she's been showing the rest of us, so if I had to guess I'd say yes."

"Nessie likes you," Seth said. He was leaning against the back of Eleanor's chair with a bright smile. He reached out and let Renesmee wrap her fingers around one of his. "Maybe it's an imprinting thing. The rest of you get along pretty well."

Eleanor nodded with a smile. It was good to see Seth so happy and so like his old self again. "Maybe."

"El-" Jacob's voice cut off abruptly. He took in the sight of his girl with a baby in her arms and suddenly felt as if he were in the future. He could see them, years from now, Eleanor with a baby in her arms and a bright smile on her face. That baby would be theirs. A smile came over his lips.

"Jake?" Eleanor asked as she met his eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"It's perfect," he mumbled and crossed the room to stand by her. "You look beautiful."

Eleanor blushed and looked down at Renesmee in her arms. She felt as if she were watching the girl grow, even holding her for the few minutes she had. She was beginning to feel a bond with the young child, and yearned for Renesmee to have the chance to meet her mother. Carlisle seemed optimistic, but some of the rest weren't as sure. Edward had hardly left her side since Alice had cleaned and dressed the young woman. It was worrisome that she hadn't made any noise. Jasper had explained briefly, to no one in particular, that going through the change was the most excruciating pain an individual could ever go through.

"El?" Jacob said gently. He was on one knee, his hand on hers, and his expression was one of worry. "Why are you crying?"

"Oh," Eleanor sniffled and wiped at her tears quickly. She pulled in a breath. She hadn't realized she'd began to cry. "She needs her mother, Jacob. No girl should have to grow up without one. I of all people would know."

"Bella's going to be okay," Seth cut in. Jacob gave him an annoyed glance.

"Bella's fine," Jacob echoed. "She should wake up soon. Once she feeds, we'll do a test run before bringing her inside to meet Nessie."

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