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"Jake?" Eleanor spoke softly, leaning out the doorway to where Jacob was sitting on the steps. She wasn't sure what his reaction would be to what she had to say.

Jacob turned around and smiled, swallowing the food in his mouth. "Hey beautiful. Where have you been?"

"Rosalie seems to trust me with Renesmee," she answered. She moved to sit with him as she spoke. "I think she's just happy to have someone other than Seth holding her. Bella still isn't quite herself."

Jacob nodded. He wrapped an arm around Eleanor and tucked her into his side. He could sense her anxiety. "What's wrong?"

"I just keep thinking of the girls," she answered honestly. "John is great, but he wasn't really ever home before. I don't know how any of them are handling the change."

"He's their dad," Jacob said. "I'm sure everything is fine."

Eleanor was quiet for a short while before she spoke in a whisper. "I need to go back."

"What?" Jacob looked down at her. "Go where?"

"Home. La Push," Eleanor said. She didn't look at him. "I need to know they're okay. And I'm sure Billy is worried sick about you. Sue must be worried, too. Sam would've told them by now."

Jacob sighed. He held Eleanor close as he thought things over. "I don't like the thought of you going."

"You know Sam won't try anything," she told him.

"I'm going with you," Jacob said abruptly. "Seth and Leah can handle things here for a day or two."

"Are you sure?" Eleanor asked anxiously. "I don't want to cause problems. My car is outside. I just want to see the girls and tell Billy you're all okay. I won't be long- maybe a couple of hours."

"I'm sure," Jacob said. "I'm not letting my girl out of my sight right now."

Eleanor thought about making a comment and decided against it. She rested her head on his shoulder. "It could give us a chance to talk more privately. You know... without any walls with ears."

Jacob snorted a laugh and squeezed her shoulders, kissing her head. "I'll go tell them. I want to try something when I get back."

"Okay," Eleanor said. She kissed his cheek before he took off into the trees to phase and talk with the other members of his pack. Jacob was back before long. Eleanor smiled at him, almost wondering why he was still a wolf. Jacob laid down, looking at her meaningfully. Eleanor walked over and patted his head, stroking his fur for a moment before she understood. "Wait, you want me to climb on?"

The wolf smiled, though it looked more like a grimace. Eleanor sighed before struggling to climb on. She held onto him tightly, scared she might fall, as he stood. Jacob made sure Eleanor had a good grip before running into the trees, heading toward the reservation. "You know my car is still at their house, right?"

The air whipped by Eleanor's ears, causing her hair to fly straight back behind her. The ride was exhilarating, and over sooner than she wanted. She didn't know where they were when Jacob stopped, but obediently slid off his back and adjusted the skirt to her dress after he lowered himself  to the ground. Alice had taken to dressing her up since she'd left her clothes at home. Jacob clambered off into the trees before coming out in a pair of cutoff shorts with a smile. "What did you think?"

"That was amazing!" Eleanor gushed. She hugged around his waist with a grin. "I can't believe how fast you are. It was the best experience of my life so far."

Jacob rested his cheek on her head for a moment, hugging her close. "I'm glad you had fun. Ready to go see everyone?"

Eleanor nodded, a bit unsure of herself, and let Jacob lead her to Emily's house. Children's music was playing loudly and Eleanor could hear the girls giggling. The sounds made her smile, but she glanced up at Jacob for reassurance.

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