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Eleanor squeezed Jacob's hand, slightly nervous for what they would see. Carlisle turned the screen for them to see. He pointed to the circle in the middle of the screen, something that looked to Eleanor to be a cross between a tadpole and a person floating around in the dark circle. Carlisle pointed. "That's your baby. Everything looks healthy, and you're measuring at about eight weeks."

Tears sprang to Eleanor's eyes, which were glued to the screen. Their little baby was wiggling around without a care in the world. She didn't look away until Jacob wiped a stray tear from her cheek. His smile was soft. "You okay?"

Eleanor nodded. "It's perfect. We're having a baby."

Jacob smiled and kissed her hand. "We are."

Carlisle smiled at their happiness. "There's more."

Eleanor furrowed her brow and watched as Carlisle clicked a couple more buttons. A fluttering sound filled the room and she gasped, looking at her stomach and then the screen. "Is that her?"

"It's a girl?" Jacob asked. "How do you know?"

Eleanor blushed. "I don't. I just picture a girl when I think of her."

"The heartbeat is strong, healthy," Carlisle answered. He clicked more buttons on the machine before putting the probe away and wiping the goop from Eleanor's abdomen. "Have you been taking prenatals?"

"I try," Eleanor answered sheepily. "It's hard to keep them down sometimes."

"I'll write you a prescription. It should settle better," Carlisle told her. He smiled at the couple. "You go ahead and get dressed while I put this away. I'll bring you some pictures."

"Thank you, Carlisle," Jacob said, standing from the stool he'd been sitting on. "It means a lot that you're willing to help. I don't know if I could get her to another doctor."

Carlisle nodded. "I'm happy to help."

The doctor left the room and Jacob helped Eleanor to sit up. "What are you thinking?"

"It's all real," Eleanor whispered. She allowed Jacob to help her get dressed before sitting on the table again. "We're having a baby. A healthy baby."

Jacob nodded and held her close. "We are. Everything's okay. Nothing is going to happen to either of you."

Eleanor held onto Jacob for a while before Carlisle walked in with two copies of a sonogram picture. He took the phone on the counter and slipped it into his pocket. "These are for you. Eleanor, anything can happen in the next few weeks. Based on your test results and everything I saw during your appointment, I don't expect anything to go wrong. It's your choice, but know in my professional opinion there is no medical reason for you to wait to tell the others. I'll respect your decision either way."

Eleanor nodded. "Thank you, for everything. I won't ever forget your kindness."

Carlisle merely smiled in response. "Renesmee has been asking about you."

"I'll be sure to stop by and see her," Eleanor told him. "Um, let me know what I owe you."

"Don't worry about anything," Carlisle told her. He looked at Jacob. "Take care of her."

"Always," Jacob promised. He led Eleanor our of the hospital and to the car, taking the keys when she handed them over. Eleanor was grateful Carlisle told her not to worry about the cost, but she wasn't sure she felt completely comfortable about the free service. It didn't feel right that she wasn't paying. She knew, somewhere in the back of her mind, that Jasper would insist on taking care of the medical costs. He was family and only wanted to take care of her in whatever way possible. She really didn't want to be looked at as a freeloader or anything of the sort, though. She'd have to talk to him at the house.

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